Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Most of the CPU time is spent in org-babel-tangle-collect-blocks, which
> is basically another regexp search for all the source blocks in buffer.
> The scaling is still slightly non-linear - maybe your source block
> regexp is too complex:
After further investigation I f
Eric S Fraga writes:
> But is not necessary (and further complicates the issue of support
> $...$ in org as recently discussed on this list) as you can simply
> type \(n\)-th?
What you call "not necessary", I call a game changer. As of now, one
has to mix and match $$ and \(\) based on the cont
Tom Gillespie writes:
Unfortunately this falls into the realm of changes to syntax. The current
behavior is not a bug and is working as specified because hyphen minus
(U+002D) does not count as punctuation for the purposes of org syntax.
We should specify which chars count as punctuation in
Samim Pezeshki writes:
> Thanks Nicolas for reviewing the changes!
> I applied the changes.
> Attached is the updated patch.
Applied. Thank you.
Nicolas Goaziou
Lately (at least as of last 3 days), I have seen that when I try to
quit emacs, it gets stuck on one of my Org files; it's a personal
journal.org that I frequently update using org-capture. So that file
is usually open in one of the buffers.
Today I did M-x toggle-debug-on-quit and tried t
> The change is local and minor.
We can't know that. Consider for example someone that has
the following line somewhere in their files.
#+begin_src org
I spent $20 on food and was paid$-10 dollars by friends so
I am down $10.
Yes =paid$-10= is probably a typo that should have a space
in b
Hi people,
First: `xdg-open "org-protocol://store-link?url=URL&title=TITLE"` from a
Then `M-x org-insert-link` in emacs, or not (it makes no difference).
Then cut-and-paste from non-emacs-application (e.g., Kde's Konsole, or Firefox)
to emacs.
When doing `C-y` what it pastes is "URL",