I am trying to export a latex tikzpicture, like the following to html:
#+begin_src latex :exports results :results raw file :file ex.png
:output-dir ../img/
\draw node[circle, draw] (a) {$a$}
node[circle, draw, right of = a] (b) {$b$}
node[circle, draw, below of = a] (c)
Hi Arthur,
On Sun, 23 Jan 2022 at 07:53, Arthur Miller wrote:
> Hi mailing list,
> is something like this of interest to add to org-mode?
I'm interested in Linux-native smartphones (e.g. the Pine Phone) and
in using Org there as fully as possible. I probably wouldn't _alter_
my Org content
Sorry to dig out this almost 8 year old discussion, but after looking
into the git HEAD Org Mode manual (v9.5 or so) (info "(org) Emphasis and
Monospace") node, and after looking into the mail archive I could not
find any answer to this question: how to switch style within a word.
I would
Why not just do an ASCII export to a temporary read only buffer for
I always thought the point of Org was to have minimal markup so that
the native file was plainly legible.
On Sun, Jan 23, 2022 at 08:19:12AM +0100, Arthur Miller wrote:
> Hi mailing list,
> is something like this of in
On Mon, 24 Jan 2022, 11:14 Russell Adams, wrote:
> Why not just do an ASCII export to a temporary read only buffer for
> viewing?
Do you mean that you're agreeing with the concept, but finding the
implementation unnecessarily complicated?
> I always thought the point of Org was to have minim
Vincent Belaïche writes:
> I would like to put something like this in an OrgMode document:
> ~--some-cli-option=~/some cli argument/
> where the intent is that « --some-cli-option= » would be monospaced, and
> « some cli argument » would be italicized, and as you know this does not
Hi Vincent,
Vincent Belaïche writes:
> Hello,
> Sorry to dig out this almost 8 year old discussion, but after looking
> into the git HEAD Org Mode manual (v9.5 or so) (info "(org) Emphasis and
> Monospace") node, and after looking into the mail archive I could not
> find any answer to this ques
Thank-you both for the reply, I should have mentioned that I am aware of
this trick but it works only for document encodings which have the
zero-width space, like UTF-8, I was after a fix for documents in
ISO-8859-15, aka latin-9.
De : Juan Manuel Macías
Envoyé : lundi 24 janvier 2
On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 11:40:05AM +, Neil Jerram wrote:
> On Mon, 24 Jan 2022, 11:14 Russell Adams, wrote:
> > Why not just do an ASCII export to a temporary read only buffer for
> > viewing?
> Do you mean that you're agreeing with the concept, but finding the
> implementation unnecessari
Tim Cross writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Also, it appears to me that we may keep losing terminal-incompatible
>> keys in future unless we provide some mechanisms to check terminal
>> compatibility automatically. Any ideas?
> No ideas on this. Problem being I don't think there is anyt
Hash: SHA512
Hi folks.
In a document that I'm compiling I seem to have failed to close the '{'
and '}', and the second one isn't in the document. If I write '\label{}'
then it succeeds, but at a couple of places in the document this show
How can I fi
The attached patch adds support for $…$ latex fragments followed by a
dash, such as $n$-th.
This pattern is quite common, and the issue was mentionned by Rudolf
Adamkovič, here: https://list.orgmode.org/m2mtjvefrf@me.com/.
This extension of the syntax doesn't conflict with the use of $'
Hi Sharon,
Sharon Kimble writes:
> Hi folks.
> In a document that I'm compiling I seem to have failed to close the '{'
> and '}', and the second one isn't in the document. If I write '\label{}'
> then it succeeds, but at a couple of places in the document this show
> '\label{'.
> How can I fi
depending on the file, you may be able to use M-x check-parens. I say
depending on the file because it matters how the open/close marker syntax
is defined in the file.
Or go to the beginning, and run M-x forward-sexp repeatedly until you get
an error?
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Unfortunately, fixing the occurrences of (defvar foo nil) is not
> completely straightforward. Some of them are real defvars.
I see, I thought you meant those defvars were also used for dynamic
> If someone is willing to check all the occurrences of
> (defvar
can anybody tell me what is the reason why org-mode has to be restarted when
'org-fontify-emphasized-text' is changed?
If I would like to have an interactive "toggle" to control rendering of
emphasized text, is there any "cheaper" way to achieve that but to restart
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