bug#52545: 29.0.50; Make org-babel-execute-buffer ignore irrelevant src blocks

2021-12-30 Thread General discussions about Org-mode.
Rudolf Adamkovič via "General discussions about Org-mode." writes: > Below, I include a typical use case: Org notes about an article with a > corresponding BibTeX entry. Please, ignore the example I gave, as it does not show anything. I apologize it. Below, I provide a good example, one that m

Re: Formal syntax for org-cite

2021-12-30 Thread Timothy
Hi All, I've been away for a bit, but now I'm back and getting back into things 🙂. For starters, I'm thinking we may as well put a description of the citation syntax into org-syntax. I'm still interested in more/broader changes to improve the clarity and specificity of org-syntax (and have had s

Re: Bug report: org-preview-latex fails when using tramp

2021-12-30 Thread Timothy
Confirmed. I just tried this by creating an Org file on a Debian server (I run OpenSUSE with TexLive 2021). From looking at the `*Org Preview LaTeX Output*' buffer, it appears that the temp file is created on my local machine, and then the process is called on the remote machine. ┌ │ This is

[PATCH] Re: Bug: org-agenda-sort-notime-is-late is not correctly handled by timestamp comparison [9.4.6 (9.4.6-12-gdcc3a8-elpaplus @ /Users/charlestam/.emacs.d/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20210830/)]

2021-12-30 Thread Timothy
Hi Charles, Thanks for reporting this, and sorry it’s taken so long for someone to respond (it’s been a busy year for the maintainers). I’ve confirmed both your issue report (thanks for the detailed steps), and your suggested fix. As such, I’ve produced a patch (attached). It would be good if som

Re: Bug: `org-babel-latex-preamble' should not hardcode `pgfsysdriver' [9.4.4 (release_9.4.4 @ /home/n/.emacs.d/elpa/28.0/develop/org-mode/lisp/)]

2021-12-30 Thread Timothy
Hi Zhuohua, Thanks for the bug report, and sorry it’s taken so long for someone to look at it (the maintainers have had a busy year). I’ve just had a look, and indeed see `\\def\\pgfsysdriver{pgfsys-tex4ht.def}' hardcoded at `ob-latex.el:185'. However, this is inside a `(string= "html" extension)

Re: [PATCH 1/2] ox-texinfo: Turn a description list item with "+" bullet into @itemx

2021-12-30 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Hello, Jonas Bernoulli writes: > I vaguely remember having run into this feature before when using Org to > record a pros and cons list. As a maintainer I don't like this question > but; could this feature be made optional? (Of course one could use tags > to indicate whether an item is a pro o

[PATCH] Remove additional newline at end of results block

2021-12-30 Thread Matt Huszagh
Inserting this newline prevents a valid use-case and protects against an edge-case that is completely avoidable without the additional guarantee it provides. The original intention for inserting the newline was to avoid the edge case in which a user does not insert a newline between a source block

Re: bug#52545: 29.0.50; Make org-babel-execute-buffer ignore irrelevant src blocks

2021-12-30 Thread Max Nikulin
On 30/12/2021 00:47, Berry, Charles wrote: 1) Be sure to refresh when introducing `#+property' lines. If you paste in a property line and then org-babel-execute-src-block, the property will not be acknowledged. AFAICS, property drawers do not suffer from this. Thank you, after C-c on the prope

Re: [PATCH] update ob-scheme to latest changes in geiser package

2021-12-30 Thread Max Nikulin
On 30/12/2021 08:53, Felipe Lema wrote: On Wednesday, 29 December 2021 15.03.47 -03 Felipe Lema wrote: The geiser package had a recent update in which `geiser-eval-region` behaves like an async function and does not return evaluation result. In exchange, the newly introduced `geiser-eval-regi

Re: [PATCH] ob-maxima.el: Fix execution on MS Windows

2021-12-30 Thread Max Nikulin
On 30/12/2021 01:37, Nikolay Kudryavtsev wrote: If your temporary-file-directory is something like "/tmp/apostrophe'", it would not work currently either. So apostrophe is a very special case here. As for possible evaluation within the double quotes, while this is theoretically possible, user

Re: [BUG] ob-python :results value pp does not working

2021-12-30 Thread Jack Kamm
For non-session Python blocks, you need to use "return" on the value, as if you are in a function. The following works for me: #+begin_src python :results value pp dic = {'key1': 1, 'b': 2} return dic #+end_src #+RESULTS: : {'b': 2, 'key1': 1}

[SOLVED] (was: (ledger?) The fair Christmas problem: splitting expenses automatically)

2021-12-30 Thread Uwe Brauer
>>> "UB" == Uwe Brauer writes: > Hi > I am not sure whether this is the right place to ask this, but anyhow. > Suppose two friends want to buy Christmas presents, but when they have > finished, they want to have spent the same amount of money. If they > don't a compensation must be transferre

Re: [PATCH] update ob-scheme to latest changes in geiser package

2021-12-30 Thread Felipe Lema
On Thursday, 30 December 2021 22:50:20 +07 Max Nikulin wrote: > On Wednesday, 29 December 2021 22.53.18 -03 Felipe Lema wrote: > > On Wednesday, 29 December 2021 15.03.47 -03 Felipe Lema wrote: > > > Sup, y'all > > > > > > The geiser package had a recent update in which `geiser-eval-region` > > >

bug#52545: 29.0.50; Make org-babel-execute-buffer ignore irrelevant src blocks

2021-12-30 Thread Berry, Charles
Rudy, > On Dec 29, 2021, at 11:26 PM, Rudolf Adamkovič wrote: > > (Note: I do not know what ECM stands for.) ECM stands for =Exemple Complet Minimal=, per https://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html#ecm, which says "The term refers to test files that can reliably reproduce a bug with the minimal a

org table problems with sorting of some column

2021-12-30 Thread Uwe Brauer
* Problem 1 I imported this column from a CVS file, so the date format was already chosen. | Date | || | 05.05.2020 | | 07.01.2021 | | 07.01.2021 | | 07.05.2020 | | 09.03.2021 | | 12.05.2020 | | 13.02.2020 | | 13.03.2020 | | 13.03.2020 | | 14.05.2020 | | 15.02.2021 | | 15.02.

Re: [PATCH] ob-maxima.el: Fix execution on MS Windows

2021-12-30 Thread Nikolay Kudryavtsev
When some external data is substituted into a Maxima command (batchload this case) there should be an extra pass of escaping that protects special characters like quotes (and backslashes?) accordingly to Maxima rules. Not necessarily, Maxima is capable of understanding unescaped paths, for exa

[patch] add TTL as defcustom to ox-icalendar

2021-12-30 Thread Detlef Steuer
This is my first try ever to contribute anything in elisp. The nextcloud calendar app supports the X-PUBLISHED-TTL option if subscribing to an ics file. Nextcloud defaults to a TTL of 1 week, what is much too long for my use case. When exporting to such a file from org I did not find any way to

Re: org table problems with sorting of some column

2021-12-30 Thread Tim Cross
Uwe Brauer writes: > [[S/MIME Signed Part:Undecided]] > > > * Problem 1 > > I imported this column from a CVS file, so the date format was already chosen. > > | Date | > || > | 05.05.2020 | > | 07.01.2021 | > | 07.01.2021 | > | 07.05.2020 | > | 09.03.2021 | > | 12.05.2020 |

Re: [BUG] ob-python :results value pp does not working

2021-12-30 Thread Christopher M. Miles
Thanks Jack. Confirmed works. This might need to mentioned in Org manual and in ob-python.el source code with comment. WDYT? Jack Kamm writes: > For non-session Python blocks, you need to use "return" on the value, as > if you are in a function. > > The following works for me: > > #+begin_src

[PATCH] ox-latex: Scale inlinetasks according to column width

2021-12-30 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Hi, I recently had a need to export org into multi-column latex and noticed that inlinetasks are exported into boxes that are wider than column width. That looks ugly. The attached patch fixes this. Best, Ihor >From 40f6e9a4e66ca733f9be27097bfa6cc814868032 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 Message-Id: <

Re: [PATCH] update ob-scheme to latest changes in geiser package

2021-12-30 Thread Max Nikulin
On 31/12/2021 02:01, Felipe Lema wrote: On Thursday, 30 December 2021 22:50:20 +07 Max Nikulin wrote: I would consider testing if `geiser-eval-region/wait' is bound and fallback to `geiser-eval-region' otherwise. I've wrapped an `if` to fallback to previous API before this breaking change in