Re: [BUG] org-mode binds C-c C-TAB, which seems illegal [9.5 (9.5-g0a86ad @ /home/il/.config/emacs/elpa/org-9.5/)]

2021-12-10 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Hello, Ingo Lohmar writes: > In 9.5, org-key-map binds org-force-cycle-archived to (kbd "C-c C-TAB"). > At least on my machine, this specification is illegal: it generates an > entry in org-key-map, but the key presses yield an "undefined" message. > > Binding the command to (kbd "C-c C-") inste

Re: Concrete suggestions to improve Org mode third-party integration :: an afterthought following Karl Voit's Orgdown proposal

2021-12-10 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Tim Cross writes: > "Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: >> The change to electric indent broke my workflow badly (always having to >> undo the indentation after every new headline), and it took long until I >> found out how to avoid that. > environment. While this change may have 'broken' your

Re: [patch] fix ox-latex async export bug

2021-12-10 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Hello, Sébastien Miquel writes: > I think native compilation compiles the lamdba in > =org-latex-export-to-pdf= and that there is no way to get back this > original lambda (the code) from within =org-export-to-file= or > =org-export-async-start=. Quoting the lambda prevents this > compilation.

Re: oc-biblatex and biblatex substyles

2021-12-10 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Hello, Rasmus writes: > I wonder if oc-biblatex should support loading biblatex-derived libraries, > e.g. biblatex-chicago? > > There’s a quite a few of these libraries: > >$ tlmgr search --global "biblatex-" | wc -l > 66 > > (This is somewhat overestimating the true number of “biblatex

Re: [PATCH] c-csl : accept relative CSL filenames

2021-12-10 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Hello, Emmanuel Charpentier writes: > Quintus' example illustrates why I think my proposed patch is useful > (or, rather, will be when corrected :-)), and why the order of research > should be from most-specific to less-specific. > > If a finename is not absolute, search : > 1. relatively

Re: Patch to align baseline of latex fragments and surrounding text

2021-12-10 Thread Sébastien Miquel
Matt Huszagh writes: I couldn't get ~org--match-text-baseline-ascent~ to compute the ascent : the ~xml-get-attribute~ call returns  : ("-16.945024" "12.153473" "16.148855" "8.064997") which gives an ascent < -100, and the code then defaults to 'center. I'd need to know more about your setup fo

Re: oc-biblatex and biblatex substyles

2021-12-10 Thread Thomas S. Dye
Nicolas Goaziou writes: Another possibility it to write, e.g., "oc-biblatex-chicago.el" and define a new ‘biblatex-chicago’ export processor, re-using most functions from "oc-biblatex.el". It would probably only be necessary to re-define ‘org-cite-biblatex-export-citation’ and ‘org-cite-bi

Question About Nuking The Priority Of A Task After Its Been Marked As 'DONE'

2021-12-10 Thread Samuel Banya
Hey there, I often change states of my todo list items to 'DONE', 'CANCELLED', etc. However, one thing I would want to know is this: - Is it possible to automatically delete the '#' priority value of a task after a task has been marked as 'DONE', 'CANCELLED', etc? Is this done via a hook functi

Re: Question About Nuking The Priority Of A Task After Its Been Marked As 'DONE'

2021-12-10 Thread Peter Hardy
On Sat, 11 Dec 2021, at 5:55 AM, Samuel Banya wrote: > However, one thing I would want to know is this: > - Is it possible to automatically delete the '#' priority value of a task > after a task has been marked as 'DONE', 'CANCELLED', etc? > > Is this done via a hook function? Probably! The o

Re: [Patch] Align baseline of latex fragments and surrounding text

2021-12-10 Thread Matt Huszagh
Sébastien Miquel writes: > My mistake. For some reason, I had thought that > =\documentclass[preview]{standalone}= was used by default for LaTeX > previews. Setting it as described in your patch, it now works > properly, even with the default value of =dvisvgm=. No worries; glad you got it worki

Re:[PATCH] The align of time is not beautiful as 9.4 when I update to org 9.5.

2021-12-10 Thread Ihor Radchenko
tumashu writes: > Another way is creating a new function for the below code, so user can advice > it to full control time string format. It is technically possible. However, to be frank, org-agenda code is too much mess to introduce yet another function or customisation. I am reluctant to do a