> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Colin Baxter 😺 writes:
>> Hello,
>> Assuming such a question make sense, how do I manually reset
>> org-persist for all org buffers? It's not clear to me if doing
>> M-x org-element-cache-reset is sufficient.
> You can reset cache
>>> "KLG" == Kévin Le Gouguec writes:
> Uwe Brauer writes:
> "KLG" == Kévin Le Gouguec writes:
>>> I've applied your fix on top of 281a0e26b; AFAICT it works as expected.
>> I applied the patch on top of e2fa3c4c4046b6,
> (Me too actually; 281a0e26b is the commit ID I got by applyi
>>> "ESF" == Eric S Fraga writes:
> On Sunday, 24 Oct 2021 at 16:48, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> I just checked. I did provide an attachment
>> But I cannot see it with emacs and gnus! Another bug?
> I can see it in gnus.
Do you see the attachment using gmane or the mailing list?
Lars told me is not
On Sunday, 24 Oct 2021 at 16:48, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> I just checked. I did provide an attachment
> But I cannot see it with emacs and gnus! Another bug?
I can see it in gnus.
: Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.60, Org release_9.5-163-g4eab5b
: Latest paper written in org: https://arxiv.org/abs/210
On Friday, 22 Oct 2021 at 16:27, Jason Ross wrote:
> Are there any workarounds people use to create subfigures in Org Mode
> when exporting to LaTeX? Example output:
The attached should do the job? At least, it seems to export to your
sample LaTeX. I cannot compile as for some reason subcaption
Updated example attached: forgot the subcaptions...
: Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.60, Org release_9.5-163-g4eab5b
: Latest paper written in org: https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.05096
#+latex_header: \usepackage[demo]{graphicx}
#+latex_header: \usepackage{subcaption}
* Question
Are there any workaro
Thank you for this. Very nice result.
: Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.60, Org release_9.5-163-g4eab5b
: Latest paper written in org: https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.05096
On Sunday, 24 Oct 2021 at 13:49, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
> Workaround : cache the computations,not the plotting itself (which
> should be fast,and must be made on every table, anyway...) :
actually, the problem in my case is that the plotting *is* the expensive
part! In case, problem solved/a
On Monday, 25 Oct 2021 at 12:13, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> Do you see the attachment using gmane or the mailing list?
via mailing list.
: Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.60, Org release_9.5-163-g4eab5b
: Latest paper written in org: https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.05096
Tim Cross writes:
> There is also a latex2e.info package 'out there'. I have it installed
> from my Linux distro and find being able to run (info)Latex very useful
> as a basic reference.
Thank you very much for this information, I did not know it. I just saw
that there is a `latex2e-help-texinf
Thanks, Nicolas Regards, 23.10.2021, 14:33, "Nicolas Goaziou" :Hello,Vinicius Vinicius writes: While {{{title}}} concatenates multiple #+TITLE lines, {{{author}}} retrieves only the first one. MWE: #+TITLE: Foo #+TITLE: Foo2 #+AUTHOR: First Author #+AUTHOR: Second Aut
On Monday, 25 Oct 2021 at 11:35, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
> Thank you very much for this information, I did not know it. I just saw
> that there is a `latex2e-help-texinfo' package in my distro (Arch), not in
> the official repositories but in the AUR. Very useful.
It's in CTAN, the official (?)
Bastien writes:
> Thanks!
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Should I also merge main with bugfix every time?
> You should merge bugfix into main, yes (but not main into bugfix.)
This patch is actually not good. It breaks nested emphasis like
/italic *bold* more italic/ and some other cases [1].
On Mon, Oct 25, 2021 at 7:49 AM Eric S Fraga wrote:
> On Monday, 25 Oct 2021 at 11:35, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
> > Thank you very much for this information, I did not know it. I just saw
> > that there is a `latex2e-help-texinfo' package in my distro (Arch), not in
> > the official repositorie
No Wayman writes:
> -With prefix ARG, check all children of current headline and offer tagging
> -the children that do not contain any open TODO items."
> +When called interactively with \\[universal-argument], or FIND-DONE is
> +non-nil, check current headline's children and offer tagging for
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Bodertz writes:
>> As you can see, point is at the beginning of the line. I think it
>> should be after the dash, as is the case when indenting plain list
>> items.
> The fix is attached.
Are you still seeing the issue with the proposed patch?
Pushed as 7111ee7c.
It’s been quite a few days, so I’ve just pushed this as 9dc08c9.
Jean-Christophe Helary writes:
> (add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook ’my-buffer-face-mode-fixed)
> But that applies the fixed font to the capture target and not to the template
> buffer...
You probably need buffer-list-update-hook and check for "*Org Select*"
buffer name.
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Hi,
> I think a footnote with a list of (currently) supported languages could
> be helpful for users who want to apply this feature.
Looks useful. It is also a good idea to mention
org-export-smart-quotes-alist variable. Otherwise, we may forget to
update this foot
> Hi Vikas,
> You can define a modified version of `org-latex--org-table',
> adding a new LaTeX attribute `:options'. Something like this:
Is there a case for incorporating this in orgmode itself? There is some general
utility for this in my view.
Eric S Fraga writes:
> It's in CTAN, the official (?) LaTeX repository.
I just saw it now there. CTAN is an infinite bazaar :-)
By the way, in CTAN there is also the /TeX for the Impatient/ book (I
love that title), which is a very good manual for programming at low
level in TeX/plainTeX: https:
Uwe Brauer writes:
"KLG" == Kévin Le Gouguec writes:
>> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>>> The tentative fix is attached, but please
>>> double check because I am not very familiar with the indentation code.
>> I've applied your fix on top of 281a0e26b; AFAICT it works as expected.
> I appli
Vikas Rawal writes:
>> Hi Vikas,
>> You can define a modified version of `org-latex--org-table',
>> adding a new LaTeX attribute `:options'. Something like this:
> Is there a case for incorporating this in orgmode itself? There is some
> general utility for this in my view.
org-submit-bug-report sends an email to the org-mode mailing list. It
turns out, that if you attach a file and later display that message on
gmane, as I do in order to keep my email traffic in moderate numbers,
then gmane might block that attachment.
Now GNU emacs has a bug tracker what can
Hello, It seems the same should apply for keyword command (from doc: "The ‘keyword’ macro collects all values from NAME keywords throughout the buffer, separated with white space."). Hope the attached patch can fix it.Best, 25.10.2021, 13:49, "Vinicius Vinicius" :Thanks, Nicolas Regards, 23.10.2021
On 25/10/2021 21:21, Uwe Brauer wrote:
org-submit-bug-report sends an email to the org-mode mailing list. It
turns out, that if you attach a file and later display that message on
gmane, as I do in order to keep my email traffic in moderate numbers,
then gmane might block that attachment.
I do
> On Oct 25, 2021, at 4:23 AM, Juan Manuel Macías
> wrote:
> Vikas Rawal writes:
>>>Hi Vikas,
>>>You can define a modified version of `org-latex--org-table',
>>>adding a new LaTeX attribute `:options'. Something like this:
>> Is there a case for incorporating th
Hi Ihor,
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> I am thinking to revert the patch and reopen (BTW, how to do it in
> Woof!?) this bug report for now.
Sure, please go ahead, thanks.
PS: I'm not sure how to do this with Woof! but I'm working on the next
version of Woof! where this will be possible.
Eric S Fraga writes:
> On Thursday, 21 Oct 2021 at 20:54, William Denton wrote:
>> With my usual set up, I can get things working except that any Org files
>> initially loaded up aren't recognized as Org, but if I run =M-x org-mode= it
>> all
>> kicks in.
> For the record, I have had this or
>>> "MN" == Max Nikulin writes:
> On 25/10/2021 21:21, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> org-submit-bug-report sends an email to the org-mode mailing list.
>> It
>> turns out, that if you attach a file and later display that message on
>> gmane, as I do in order to keep my email traffic in moderate numbers,
>>> "MN" == Max Nikulin writes:
> On 25/10/2021 21:21, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> org-submit-bug-report sends an email to the org-mode mailing list.
>> It
>> turns out, that if you attach a file and later display that message on
>> gmane, as I do in order to keep my email traffic in moderate numbers,
>>> "MN" == Max Nikulin writes:
> On 25/10/2021 21:21, Uwe Brauer wrote:
>> org-submit-bug-report sends an email to the org-mode mailing list.
>> It
>> turns out, that if you attach a file and later display that message on
>> gmane, as I do in order to keep my email traffic in moderate numbers,
Apologies, I wasn't aware you were asking for feedback.
The issue I described no longer occurs.
However, there is still a minor issue with the proposed fix.
After creating a new empty description list item by pressing {M-RET}
after a description list item, the item created is the following:
Uwe Brauer writes:
> Hi
> org-submit-bug-report sends an email to the org-mode mailing list. It
> turns out, that if you attach a file and later display that message on
> gmane, as I do in order to keep my email traffic in moderate numbers,
> then gmane might block that attachment.
> Now GN
When I press [M-q] on the following org-mode buffer content:
#+begin_src org
,* 绵羊是太阳能农场的优秀管理员
:SOURCE: 奇客Solidot–传递最新科技情报
:DATE(original): [2021-10-25 Mon 17:28]
:DATE: [2021-10-26 Tue]
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