Re: A formal grammar for Org

2021-06-02 Thread Jakob Schöttl
Am 02.06.21 um 06:00 schrieb David Masterson: Jakob Schöttl writes: Am 01.06.21 um 11:53 schrieb Tom Gillespie: We have a pretty similar project, org-parser[1]. It's also written in a Lisp dialect, Clojure, but it uses instaparse instead of brag as parser library.

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Tim Cross
Stefan Nobis writes: > Tim Cross writes: > >> One reason is that latexmk is not installed on some systems. > > Just after starting to write that this is false nowadays I realized > you are right. :) > > See: > > For macOS latexmk is distributed with the d

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Juan Manuel Macías
Stefan Nobis writes: > An alternative may be to use latexmk only if citations are found (new > feature, new dependencies). Or a wrapper that checks whether latexmk > is available and works (e.g. trying to call "latexmk --version") and > falls back to the old routine of manually running the engine

Re: Format babel code block for export?

2021-06-02 Thread Juan Manuel Macías
Hi Lawrence, You can use multiple blocks and noweb reference syntax ( #+NAME:block1 #+begin_src haskell :results silent :exports none :{ #+end_src #+NAME:block2 #+begin_src haskell :results silent :exports none maximum'' :: (Ord a) => [a] -

Re: TMIO Pre-release, request for feedback

2021-06-02 Thread Eric S Fraga
On Wednesday, 2 Jun 2021 at 00:38, Timothy wrote: > Eric S Fraga writes: >> I would find this quite useful as I hate typing : when entering diary >> entries. Where does this support exist? > > This is for date entry using `org-time-stamp' at the very least. I'm not > sure if anything else is aff

Re: bug#47885: [PATCH] org-table-import: Make it more smarter for interactive use

2021-06-02 Thread Maxim Nikulin
On 02/06/2021 00:46, Utkarsh Singh wrote: Org 9.4.5+patches M-x org-table-import | 1,Word,66.3e-35 || | | | 2,Unquoted | cell,2.7 | | | | 3,"Quoted | cell",3.14 | | | | 4,"Cell

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Bruce D'Arcus
On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 4:28 AM Tim Cross wrote: > The more I think about it, I think the best solution would be to update > the code which sets the default and have it check for latexmk. If it is > found, set it as the default and if it is not found, set the existing > default. This would have mi

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Colin Baxter
> Bruce D'Arcus writes: > On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 4:28 AM Tim Cross wrote: >> The more I think about it, I think the best solution would be to >> update the code which sets the default and have it check for >> latexmk. If it is found, set it as the default and if it is not

Re: bug#47885: [PATCH] org-table-import: Make it more smarter for interactive use

2021-06-02 Thread Utkarsh Singh
On 2021-06-02, 19:06 +0700, Maxim Nikulin wrote: > Notice that for "C-u M-x org-table-import" heuristics is not necessary, > the separator is specified explicitly. I see that your intention was to > improve user interface of org-table-import, but actually you broke it by > the "org-table-impor

Re: Texinfo exporter fails to export M-x helm-documentation

2021-06-02 Thread Nicolas Goaziou
Hello, Jonas Bernoulli writes: > You did that in f99f26306c57d2342069880eac4dca324d7579ec > but I think you added a off-by-one error in the process. > In > > (>= (org-export-get-relative-level h info) > (length sections)) > > the ">=" should be a ">", or it can match with 4 >= 4, whi

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Scott Randby
On 6/2/21 1:33 AM, Stefan Nobis wrote: "Bruce D'Arcus" writes: Here's the current command for the "latexmk" option: "latexmk -g -pdf -pdflatex=\"%latex\" -outdir=%o %f" ... and here's what you have, minus shell-escape. "latexmk -f -pdf -%latex -interaction=nonstopmode -output-director

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Scott Randby
On 6/2/21 8:07 AM, Bruce D'Arcus wrote: On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 4:28 AM Tim Cross wrote: The more I think about it, I think the best solution would be to update the code which sets the default and have it check for latexmk. If it is found, set it as the default and if it is not found, set the e

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Stefan Nobis
Scott Randby writes: > (1) Which one of the above suggestions should I use? I don't want > interactions when I'm exporting. I don't want to have to mess with a > configuration file either. > (2) How many shell commands will org-latex-pdf-process need? Right > now there are three. Replace those t

Re: bug#12972: 24.3.50; Move `org-open-file' and associated code out of Org mode

2021-06-02 Thread Maxim Nikulin
On 01/06/2021 13:56, Lars Ingebrigtsen wrote: So I've now added this to Emacs 28 under the name `mailcap-view-file'. I am sorry if it is a false alarm. Feel free to close the bug again if something changed recently in `start-process-shell-command' or if you prefer to discuss the issue as anot

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide
Scott Randby writes: > On 6/2/21 8:07 AM, Bruce D'Arcus wrote: >> On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 4:28 AM Tim Cross wrote: >> >>> The more I think about it, I think the best solution would be to update >>> the code which sets the default and have it check for latexmk. If it is >>> found, set it as the

Formatting content in a footnote for ox-tufte

2021-06-02 Thread Galaxy Being
I'm using the org tufte ox-tufte and started tweaking the underlying tufte.css to my needs. It's really meant for org html export, not like the more elaborate org-to-latex Tufte formatting from org mode luminary Thomas

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Colin Baxter
I'm beginning to think this change of the default should not happen. From this thread it seems to be that the chances of it breaking existing work flow is high. I really don't understand why the changed is needed. Best wishes,

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Robert Pluim
> On Wed, 02 Jun 2021 17:29:49 +0100, Colin Baxter said: Colin> I'm beginning to think this change of the default should not Colin> happen. From this thread it seems to be that the chances of it breaking Colin> existing work flow is high. Colin> I really don't understand why

Re: bug#47885: [PATCH] org-table-import: Make it more smarter for interactive use

2021-06-02 Thread Maxim Nikulin
On 02/06/2021 22:08, Utkarsh Singh wrote: ;;;###autoload (defun org-table-import (file separator) @@ -955,12 +971,13 @@ lines. It can have the following values: - integer When a number, use that many spaces, or a TAB, as field separator. - regexp When a regular expression, use it to match

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Bruce D'Arcus
On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 12:30 PM Colin Baxter wrote: > > > I'm beginning to think this change of the default should not > happen. From this thread it seems to be that the chances of it breaking > existing work flow is high. I don't see how that follows. Can you clarify? > I really don't understan

LaTeX fragment preview weirdness

2021-06-02 Thread Scott Randby
First, I'm using Emacs 27.2 and Org 9.4.6. I have the following code in an Org file: #+latex_header: \hypersetup{pdfauthor={Author},pdftitle={Title},pdfsubject={Subject},pdfkeywords={keyword},pdfproducer={Emacs Org},pdfcreator={pdflatex}} #+latex_header: \hypersetup{colorlinks=true,urlcolor=bl

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Stefan Nobis
Colin Baxter writes: > I really don't understand why the changed is needed. The upcoming citation support needs a reliable way to run the required bibliography processor (e.g. biber or bibtex). Therefore the current default setting that only runs latex three times does not suffice. On the other

Re: LaTeX fragment preview weirdness

2021-06-02 Thread Nick Dokos
Scott Randby writes: > First, I'm using Emacs 27.2 and Org 9.4.6. > > I have the following code in an Org file: > > #+latex_header: > \hypersetup{pdfauthor={Author},pdftitle={Title},pdfsubject={Subject},pdfkeywords={keyword},pdfproducer={Emacs > Org},pdfcreator={pdflatex}} > #+latex_header: \hy

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Scott Randby
On 6/2/21 12:07 PM, Stefan Nobis wrote> I have --8<---cut here---start->8--- (setq org-latex-pdf-process '("latexmk -f -pdf -%latex -outdir=%o %f")) --8<---cut here---end--->8--- I could not get that setting to work. The

Re: LaTeX fragment preview weirdness

2021-06-02 Thread Scott Randby
On 6/2/21 1:28 PM, Nick Dokos wrote: You probably want #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA, not #+LATEX_HEADER. Do (info "(org) Latex header and sectioning") where it says: #+BEGIN_QUOTE The LaTeX export back-end appends values from ‘LATEX_HEADER’ and ‘LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA’ keywords to the LaTeX header

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Greg Minshall
Bruce, > > I really don't understand why the changed is needed. > > I've stated it twice, I believe, but it's now a longer thread, so: > > Org is set to get native citation support. > > Once that's merged, people who use this feature will be disappointed > to know that when using the natbib or

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Tim Cross
Colin Baxter writes: >> Bruce D'Arcus writes: > > > On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 4:28 AM Tim Cross wrote: > >> The more I think about it, I think the best solution would be to > >> update the code which sets the default and have it check for > >> latexmk. If it is found, set it

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Tim Cross
Scott Randby writes: > On 6/2/21 8:07 AM, Bruce D'Arcus wrote: >> On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 4:28 AM Tim Cross wrote: >> >>> The more I think about it, I think the best solution would be to update >>> the code which sets the default and have it check for latexmk. If it is >>> found, set it as the

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Tim Cross
"Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes: > [[PGP Signed Part:Undecided]] > > Scott Randby writes: > >> On 6/2/21 8:07 AM, Bruce D'Arcus wrote: >>> On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 4:28 AM Tim Cross wrote: >>> The more I think about it, I think the best solution would be to update the code which s

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Tim Cross
Greg Minshall writes: > Bruce, > >> > I really don't understand why the changed is needed. >> >> I've stated it twice, I believe, but it's now a longer thread, so: >> >> Org is set to get native citation support. >> >> Once that's merged, people who use this feature will be disappointed >> t

Re: A formal grammar for Org

2021-06-02 Thread David Masterson
Jakob Schöttl writes: > Am 02.06.21 um 06:00 schrieb David Masterson: >> Jakob Schöttl writes: >> >>> Am 01.06.21 um 11:53 schrieb Tom Gillespie: > We have a pretty similar project, org-parser[1]. It's also written > in a Lisp dialect, Clojure, but it uses instaparse instead of brag

Re: suggestion to change default org-latex-pdf-process to latexmk

2021-06-02 Thread Colin Baxter
> Stefan Nobis writes: > Colin Baxter writes: >> I really don't understand why the changed is needed. > The upcoming citation support needs a reliable way to run the > required bibliography processor (e.g. biber or bibtex). Therefore > the current default setting that on