Consider the following file named "/tmp/":
start ---
SCHEDULED: <2020-12-30 Wed 21:30 ++1d>
- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2020-12-29 Tue 21:30]
:+begin_src emacs-lisp
Dear Stefan,
You speak of a programming language and what is possible with
programming language. But language is not a spreadsheet, an integrated
program that helps users with handling of data.
The Gnumeric as spreadsheet may be extended by using Python
programming language. In that sense I think
I just saw this discussion on /r/emacs and came here to share my thoughts.
I have worked around this behavior for a while and think having an option
to skip logging into the drawer would be useful.
My own workflow that this behavior (bug?) currently affects is as follows
(similar to the reddit thr