Jean Louis writes:
> * [2020-12-12 23:19]:
>> Emacs fires "user-error: Abort" after pressing "q" to abort org-capture.
> Those are error messages invented by programmers who never had any
> project supervisor who thinks of users.
Please be nice.
> If user wish to abort it
Jean Louis writes:
Hi Jean,
> Even if it is error, why it should be written with the dash as
> "user-error"?!
`user-error' is a standard error symbol in Emacs, which is fired by the
function `user-error'. See (info "(elisp) Signaling Errors")
Best regards, Michael.
* TRS-80 [2020-12-13 06:34]:
:CREATED: [2020-12-13 Sun 11:36]
:ID: 2e42666a-d04b-4f46-ba90-a923a5e2c50d
> On 2020-12-11 21:35, Jean Louis wrote:
> >
> > By the way I have completely switched all action management to my
> > database system with tabulated list mode
Jean Louis writes:
> * Ihor Radchenko [2020-12-13 07:35]:
>> > What case scenarios would rely
>> > on user quitting capture rather than going ahead with an entry?
>> For example, I have a custom capture function from email. The email is
>> removed from inbox upon capture. However, I would no
Org Capture has the ability to get specific information
using "%:keyword" (e.g., for rmail one can use %:subject
to get the specific email subject).
An extension to "%:keyword", would be to allow the extraction of
keywords taken from recfiles, which are also text based.
You could then have %:Inve
Jean Louis writes:
> Org files I have always found useful for project and plan documents
> preparation, in particular LaTeX and PDF export. As that way I get
> better readability on screen and good printed document.
> None of such projects and plans need be marked with TODO as its nature
> is t
On Saturday, 12 Dec 2020 at 18:54, Bastien wrote:
> In this case, I think we could come up with better option names than
> "show2levels", even if I don't have a better suggestion right now.
I agree. I had started responding to Gustav when the original post
appeared but then aborted my response.
Jean Louis writes:
> * Bastien [2020-12-11 09:28]:
>> Thanks Jean, I agree with most of your points.
>> Are you volunteering for this task?
> I am anyway answering to people. So I am already doing it.
Thanks but we need someone that is willing to personnally take
charge of this.
> But I
I have also seen that the following command puts all options
on same line as "Site_Type:", buts puts "Funerary" on a new
"Site_Type: %^{Site_Type: |default|Domestic|Resource|Transportation|
Funerary|Non-Domestic|Archaeological|Rock Art|Water-Related}\n"
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 a
Eric S Fraga writes:
> I wonder whether something like levels:N or show:N or content:N is
> possible in a startup setting, akin to H:N in options?
If I may toss my opinion into the ring, "show:N" seems like the most
intuitive syntax to me :)
Eric S Fraga writes:
> I wonder whether something like levels:N or show:N or content:N is
> possible in a startup setting, akin to H:N in options?
If I may toss my opinion into the ring, "show:N" seems like the most
intuitive syntax to me :)
On Sunday, 13 Dec 2020 at 02:30, Firmin Martin wrote:
> Sometimes, we want to nest inline maths expression in \textrm to
> handle spaces easily and avoid repetition.
> Examples:
> 1. $A = \{n : \textrm{$n$ odd in $X$}\}$
I think you may be expecting too much of org's simple inline LaTeX
A little progress update. now exists.
I have no idea what I'm doing, so if anyone has feedback on the current
idea, that would be much appreciated.
TEC writes:
> Hi Everyone,
> From the Org standardisation effort the idea of using Emacs as the basis
> of
Excellent idea!
I frequently use Eclipse and, although I do always have an Emacs open, the
idea of seamlessly using org-mode inside Eclipse is very attractive...
-- Bill
On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 12:44 PM TEC wrote:
> A little progress update.
> now exis
Thanks for the suggestion, it's okay for me. I just wanted to make sure
that the issue is clear for everyone by describing the steps.
I also agree with waiting for CSS gurus.
On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 6:56 AM Kyle Meyer wrote:
> Fatih Aydin writes:
> > Write a code block in an org file and pub
I found the bug. The bug was mostly my own creation. There was a
small (but very destructive) bug in doom emacs distribution. Fixed
that bug and sent them a pull requested:
Basically I made a small snippet for agenda that makes side window
of a
Dear Jean Louis,
Thank you for the detailed insight into your extensive experience of
project management and practical planning. I do not have that much
experience, but can provide a significantly different point of view
related to my research work.
Jean Louis writes:
> * Ihor Radchenko [2020-
Just a quick note on the values proposed.
All of the Alt Ns have overview + N-in-the-name options for N >= 2.
e.g. show2levels, show3levels...
For the sake of completeness/consistency I would suggest having a N=1
variant with that format too. This would duplicate the behaviour of
"overview", bu
I believe we still can change the name if that’s preferred. I'm not overly
attached to the name I committed, although I fail to see the ugliness in it.
And it's only in master since a few days. No biggie to change.
In my opinion it's important to see the names in their context. One context
Hi Ian,
Sorry for the slow response, I'm marked your email though, so I'm now
getting back to you :)
ian martins writes:
> I wanted to change line colors but didn't find a way. Is there a way?
Indeed! Though I do it with lisp, and using my patches.
I think I saw a patch about multiline #+pl
Jens Lechtenboerger writes:
> Without the second argument I get an error “Wrong type argument:
> stringp,” when evaluating regular expressions against the cons cell
> that is returned as title.
> As I see now, author and title are cons cells, which is why
> org-element-interpret-data is necess
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 4:36 PM
> From: "Ihor Radchenko"
> To: "Jean Louis"
> Cc: "Tim Cross" ,,
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> Dear Jean Louis,
> Thank you for the detailed insight into your extensive experience
I have a particular function that I want to invoke when exporting an org
file. This works just fine, adding this function to the
org-export-before-processing-hook, for simple org files. However, if I
have an org file which uses #+include: to include other org files, it
seems like the proc
2020-12-13 Alan E. Davis wrote:
I think R would not be too unwieldy as a hammer here. My use case is a
humble one: just take a several clock times in HH:MM format (utc) and
adjust to another timezone by adding or subtracting the relevant number
of hours. The day of week is not important;
Thank you very much for your quick reply.
How can I let orgmode disable some built-in links if it allows? (The
escape character solution sounds not ideal.)
On 13/12/2020 07:05, Kyle Meyer wrote:
Junwei Wang writes:
When exporting orgmode file into HTML file, the exporter "mistakely"
Eric S Fraga writes:
> Hello,
> I have a particular function that I want to invoke when exporting an org
> file. This works just fine, adding this function to the
> org-export-before-processing-hook, for simple org files. However, if I
> have an org file which uses #+include: to inclu
* [2020-12-13 06:51]:
> > Are there any more to these templates you did not show?
I was thinking some users will get surprised on this. They may even
say it is not necessary.
I have 1148 sets where I am capturing different
information. Imagine if I would be spending my time a
* [2020-12-13 05:09]:
> Here is one version of a template
> (setq capture-template-investigation-type '(
> ("a" "Historic Background Research Site Evaluation/Testing" entry
> (file "~/histr/")
> "* Site_Type: %?\n %T\n")
> ("b" "Systematic Survey Data
* Ihor Radchenko [2020-12-13 11:21]:
> Jean Louis writes:
> > * [2020-12-12 23:19]:
> >> Emacs fires "user-error: Abort" after pressing "q" to abort org-capture.
> >
> > Those are error messages invented by programmers who never had any
> > project supervisor who thinks of
* TEC [2020-12-13 13:44]:
> A little progress update.
> now exists.
As Org-mode does not have collaboration neither was initially designed
for other editor, such idea is welcome.
>From a perspective that some server has to know what user is writing
it is
* TRS-80 [2020-12-13 01:11]:
> On 2020-12-12 13:02, wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > When making a relatively long Org Capture Menu for Archaeological
> > Field Management, the relevant capture window cannot be scrolled down.
> > This becomes particularly problematic with small fi
* Michael Albinus [2020-12-13 11:25]:
> Jean Louis writes:
> Hi Jean,
> > Even if it is error, why it should be written with the dash as
> > "user-error"?!
> `user-error' is a standard error symbol in Emacs, which is fired by the
> function `user-error'. See (info "(elisp) Signaling Erro
Jean Louis writes:
> * TEC [2020-12-13 13:44]:
>> A little progress update.
>> now exists.
> As Org-mode does not have collaboration neither was initially designed
> for other editor, such idea is welcome.
> From a perspective that some server ha
* Ihor Radchenko [2020-12-13 03:39]:
> Jean Louis writes:
> > For private annotations with one can install it on own
> > server and protect system for one's own group. That will do only a
> > group that is serious enough or have serious demands for annotations.
> > Myself I do n
* Tim Cross [2020-12-13 03:54]:
> writes:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > When making a relatively long Org Capture Menu for Archaeological Field
> > Management,
> > the relevant capture window cannot be scrolled down. This becomes
> > particularly
> > problematic with small fie
* [2020-12-13 08:52]:
> > In general Org mode is excellent for personal TODO lists. That is what
> > is offered in the menu, that is what is advertised. Problem is that
> > there is no warning for users that personal TODO lists are not meant
> > for anything but that. There is
* TRS-80 [2020-12-13 07:31]:
> I am beginning to suspect you have bigger data and more options than fit
> comfortably into a capture template. I could be wrong, but in my mind
> at least, the idea of capture templates is to quickly store small ideas,
> notes, TODOs, etc. so you can go back to wha
* Ihor Radchenko [2020-12-13 03:45]:
> Jean Louis writes:
> > While it is easy to teach people to open single program, press a key,
> > and insert title, it is harder and time consuming to teach random
> > people how to use Emacs. This may not be true, it is just my current
> > impression.
* TRS-80 [2020-12-11 19:21]:
> On 2020-12-11 03:09, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> > > Dear Uwe,
> > > * Uwe Brauer [2020-12-10 22:45]:
> >
> > > (require 'dired-x)
> >
> > > (defun dired-to-org-links ()
> > > "Generates Org links for Dired files and stores in memory. Yank
> > > it in other buffer"
> >
* Tim Cross [2020-12-13 04:09]:
> Given the move to HTML5 and deprecation of XHTML, how valid are
> XHTML compliance requirements these days? Could it be time to
> 'reverse' the org defaults and export using HTML5 by default rather
> than XHTML?
There is no deprecation of XHTML, not until there c
* Bastien [2020-12-13 12:53]:
> Jean Louis writes:
> > * Bastien [2020-12-11 09:28]:
> >> Thanks Jean, I agree with most of your points.
> >>
> >> Are you volunteering for this task?
> >
> > I am anyway answering to people. So I am already doing it.
> Thanks but we need someone that is wi
* Ihor Radchenko [2020-12-13 12:25]:
> Jean Louis writes:
> > Org files I have always found useful for project and plan documents
> > preparation, in particular LaTeX and PDF export. As that way I get
> > better readability on screen and good printed document.
> >
> > None of such projects and
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 11:46 AM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To: "Ihor Radchenko"
> Cc:,, "Org-Mode mailing list"
> Subject: Re: org-capture user-error: Abort
> * Ihor Radchenko [2020-12-13 11:21]:
> > Jean Louis writes:
> >
> > > * danie
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 11:48 AM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To: "Michael Albinus"
> Cc:,, "Org-Mode mailing list"
> Subject: Re: org-capture user-error: Abort
> * Michael Albinus [2020-12-13 11:25]:
> > Jean Louis writes:
> >
> > Hi Je
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 2:19 PM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To:
> Cc:,, "Ihor Radchenko"
> Subject: Re: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting
> user options
> * [2020-12-13 08
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 6:31 PM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To: "Ihor Radchenko"
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting
> user options
> * Ihor Radchenko [2020-12-13 12:25]:
> > Jean Louis writes:
> >
> > > Org files
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 6:31 PM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To: "Ihor Radchenko"
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Emacs inserts hardwired org-agenda-files variable, overwriting
> user options
> * Ihor Radchenko [2020-12-13 12:25]:
> > Jean Louis writes:
> >
> > > Org files
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 4:13 PM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To: "Ihor Radchenko"
> Cc: "Maxim Nikulin" ,
> Subject: Re: Bring up a screen giving option to open a series of orgmode files
> * Ihor Radchenko [2020-12-13 03:45]:
> > Jean Louis writes:
> >
> > > While
> > Emacs fires "user-error: Abort" after pressing "q" to abort org-capture.
> This is intended. Normally, it just shows up as a message in the
> minibuffer. Or do you have debug-on-error enabled?
Same as Ihor, when I press `q` in the org-capture screen I only see "Abort"
in the minibuffer
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 4:12 PM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To: "Tim Cross"
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed
> * Tim Cross [2020-12-13 03:54]:
> >
> > writes:
> >
> > > Dear All,
> > >
> > > When making a relativel
Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 7:07 PM
From: "Diego Zamboni"
To: "Ihor Radchenko"
Cc:,, "Org-Mode mailing list"
Subject: Re: org-capture user-error: Abort
> Emacs fires "user-error: Abort" after pressing "q" to abort org-capture.
This i
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 12:06 PM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To: "TRS-80"
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed
> * TRS-80 [2020-12-13 01:11]:
> > On 2020-12-12 13:02, wrote:
> > > Dear All,
> > >
> > > When making a rela
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 11:24 AM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To:
> Cc: "TRS-80" ,
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed
> * [2020-12-13 06:51]:
> > > Are there any more to these templates you did not show?
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 10:44 AM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To:
> Cc: "Tim Cross" ,
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed
> * [2020-12-13 05:09]:
> > Here is one version of a template
> >
> > (setq capture-
>> I'm not sure if it should be org-mode's responsibility to resolve the
>> actual command string, or if it should be done by
>> `run-ruby-or-pop-to-buffer'. (It kind of seems like the latter?)
>> Any thoughts?
> Given the current situation, I don't see a good option aside from doing
> the fun
Juri Linkov writes:
> Thanks for notifying me. I completely agree that the most suitable
> place to fix would be in org-babel-ruby-initiate-session. So here
> is a patch that I tested with different org header args:
> Subject: [PATCH] ob-ruby.el: Funcall command if it's a function from
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> I have the same problem with a function that I wrote to not export
> certain footnotes, and to date I have not been able to fix it. According
> to the `org-export-before-processing-hook' docstring:
> " *This is run before include keywords and macros are expa
* TEC [2020-12-13 20:35]:
> > From a perspective that some server has to know what user is writing
> > it is advisable to use one own's servers. But if idea gets popular
> > some company will commercialize it and centralize user's data and
> > privacy is gone.
> FYI the nature of LSP (as I unde
* Christopher Dimech [2020-12-13 21:02]:
> > Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 4:13 PM
> > From: "Jean Louis"
> > To: "Ihor Radchenko"
> > Cc: "Maxim Nikulin" ,
> > Subject: Re: Bring up a screen giving option to open a series of orgmode
> > files
> >
> > * Ihor Radchenko
* Ihor Radchenko [2020-12-13 18:33]:
> Dear Jean Louis,
> Thank you for the detailed insight into your extensive experience of
> project management and practical planning. I do not have that much
> experience, but can provide a significantly different point of view
> related to my research work
Hi Jean, a few thoughts.
Jean Louis writes:
> In other words program like Org capture is not meant for people having
> too many templates and that shall be explained right away both in
> function definitions and in the manual. Important people lose their
> time and effort in customizing org ca
* Christopher Dimech [2020-12-13 20:49]:
> > Reference to manual:
> > (info "(org) TODO Items")
> >
> > And it is definitely not a "plain text". It is probably largest mode
> > for Emacs, a true and full application handling much more than plain
> > text. It has more than 129 Emacs Lisp files. May
* [2020-12-13 21:28]:
> > Why not provide completing-read for Org capture templates? That would
> > solve the problem fully.
> I think it might work fine as you say. Is that similar to what
> "%^{prompt|default|completion2|completion3...}" does? Or something similar?
> I a
Jean Louis writes:
> * Tim Cross [2020-12-13 03:54]:
>> writes:
>> > Dear All,
>> >
>> > When making a relatively long Org Capture Menu for Archaeological Field
>> > Management,
>> > the relevant capture window cannot be scrolled down. This becomes
>> > particularl
On 2020-12-13 13:41, wrote:
From: "Jean Louis"
;; Create hash
(setq my-files-hash (make-hash-table))
;; Try putting something into the hash, define your files and their
(puthash (intern "One file") "~/tmp/" my-files-hash)
(puthash (intern "Something else")
On 2020-12-13 15:37, Jean Louis wrote:
* [2020-12-13 21:28]:
I suggest that you install package ivy that you see how it works. Then
you could try find-file or open file function to see completions.
You can try evaluating this here:
(setq collection '("I think it might" "Is
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 9:37 PM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed
> * [2020-12-13 21:28]:
> > > Why not provide completing-read for Org capture templates? That wou
On Sunday, 13 Dec 2020 at 21:05, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> There is also `org-export-before-parsing-hook'.
missed this. Thank you both. Using the right hook allows me to
do what I wanted perfectly!
As always, if there's something I want to do in org, the feature is
already there. It is simply
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Dear Jean Louis,
> Thank you for the detailed insight into your extensive experience of
> project management and practical planning. I do not have that much
> experience, but can provide a significantly different point of view
> related to my research work.
Some go
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 9:06 PM
> From: "Tim Cross"
> To: "Jean Louis"
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed
> Jean Louis writes:
> > * Tim Cross [2020-12-13 03:54]:
> >>
> >> writes:
> >>
> >> > Dear All,
> >>
* TEC [2020-12-13 23:38]:
> Hi Jean, a few thoughts.
> Jean Louis writes:
> > In other words program like Org capture is not meant for people having
> > too many templates and that shall be explained right away both in
> > function definitions and in the manual. Important people lose the
Bastien writes:
> Jean Louis writes:
>> * Bastien [2020-12-11 09:28]:
>>> Thanks Jean, I agree with most of your points.
>>> Are you volunteering for this task?
>> I am anyway answering to people. So I am already doing it.
> Thanks but we need someone that is willing to personnally
* [2020-12-14 00:03]:
> > ivy and helm packages (maybe) enhances that and allow you to type just
> > "som" to reach to "Or something similar" or "think" to reach to "I
> > think it might" and offers basic relevance search if you use few
> > words.
> >
> > Standard completion ma
Hi Tim and Jean,
Tim Cross writes:
> I have no clue as to why your dragging Emacs custom into this
> discussion.
I agree with Tim.
Let's keep in mind we are more than 2000 subscribers here and make an
effort of not letting our conversations drift too much.
In-depth analyses are welcome on thi
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 9:59 PM
> From: "Tim Cross"
> To: "Ihor Radchenko"
> Cc: "Jean Louis" ,,
> Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> > Dear Jean Louis,
> >
> > Thank you for the detailed
On 2020-12-13 16:02, wrote:
Would that apply with respect to inserting long headings or
descriptions in org file?
Yes. If you have not used completing-read, just play around with it a
bit and you will very quickly see how it works. It takes a list (Elisp
data type) as inp
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 10:48 PM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed
> * [2020-12-14 00:03]:
> > > ivy and helm packages (maybe) enhances that and allow you to type
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 10:48 PM
> From: "Jean Louis"
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed
> * [2020-12-14 00:03]:
> > > ivy and helm packages (maybe) enhances that and allow you to type
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 10:57 PM
> From: "Bastien"
> To: "Tim Cross"
> Cc:, "Jean Louis"
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed
> Hi Tim and Jean,
> Tim Cross writes:
> > I have no clue as to why your dragging Emacs custom into this
> >
* Tim Cross [2020-12-13 23:49]:
> > That is very right. I have 1140+ "Sets" which are equivalent to
> > capture templates. Imagine if I would be "defining it" by using Emacs
> > custom, forget it, I would rather break my computer down and switch to
> > paper.
> I have no clue as to why your dra
> Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 11:00 PM
> From: "TRS-80"
> To:
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed
> On 2020-12-13 16:02, wrote:
> >
> > Would that apply with respect to inserting long headings or
> > descriptions in org file?
On 2020-12-12 23:57, wrote:
TRS-80 wrote:
If you care to share a slightly bigger picture view, particularly
about the structure of the data you are trying to capture (and/or,
your workflow) we could likely come up with something that would work
much better for you than a capt
* Tim Cross [2020-12-14 00:42]:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
> > Dear Jean Louis,
> >
> > Thank you for the detailed insight into your extensive experience of
> > project management and practical planning. I do not have that much
> > experience, but can provide a significantly different point o
* Bastien [2020-12-14 01:00]:
> Hi Tim and Jean,
> Tim Cross writes:
> > I have no clue as to why your dragging Emacs custom into this
> > discussion.
> I agree with Tim.
> Let's keep in mind we are more than 2000 subscribers here and make an
> effort of not letting our conversations
Jean Louis writes:
> Discussion is brainstorming that may or may not lead to solutions.
This list is not a place for brainstorming.
Sharing very long emails too frequently might scare other readers
away, discouraging them to participate to a constructive discussion.
Please make an effort to wr
> Sent: Monday, December 14, 2020 at 12:08 AM
> From: "TRS-80"
> To:
> Subject: Re: Org Capture Menu cannot be fully viewed
> On 2020-12-12 23:57, wrote:
> > TRS-80 wrote:
> >> If you care to share a slightly bigger picture view, particularly
> >>
Jean Louis writes:
>> I guess one would not need to teach people about everything in Emacs. If
>> the aim is just editing and viewing PDF, one can provide custom Emacs
>> configuration with added toolbars and menu items for common operations
>> with pdf. I do not see why it would be any different
Jean Louis writes:
>> I guess one would not need to teach people about everything in Emacs. If
>> the aim is just editing and viewing PDF, one can provide custom Emacs
>> configuration with added toolbars and menu items for common operations
>> with pdf. I do not see why it would be any different
* Ihor Radchenko [2020-12-14 03:32]:
> In another email you mentioned:
> > Easier is to click and click n for next and p for previous. Once you
> > find reference click F5 and describe the item.
> >
> > That is easier than teaching people Emacs. Then group of people can
> > capture PDF referen
On Mon, Dec 14, 2020 at 5:00 AM Kyle Meyer wrote:
> Thanks. Pushed (57a70d505), tacking on a Reported-by trailer to the
> commit message.
Thanks very much! The fix is working for me.
On Sun, Dec 13, 2020, at 21:23, Jean Louis wrote:
> * TEC [2020-12-13 20:35]:
> > > From a perspective that some server has to know what user is writing
> > > it is advisable to use one own's servers. But if idea gets popular
> > > some company will commercialize it and centralize user's data and
I think maybe you might be thrown off by the word "server"? Lsp is just a
standardization of how an editor can do language-specific things. The fact
that standardization exists makes the whole thing pluggable by various
services. These typically run in a separate process - which is a good idea
Gerry Agbobada writes:
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2020, at 21:23, Jean Louis wrote:
>> * TEC [2020-12-13 20:35]:
>> > > From a perspective that some server has to know what user is writing
>> > > it is advisable to use one own's servers. But if idea gets popular
>> > > some company will commercialize i
Both of these links, like your comments, are incredibly useful.
Happy New Year (however you may measure that thing)
On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 9:05 AM Maxim Nikulin wrote:
> 2020-12-13 Alan E. Davis wrote:
> >
> > I think R would not be too unwieldy as a hammer here. My use case is a
> >
Hi Corwin,
Bastien writes:
> thanks for volunteering! Let us know when the paperwork is done, I'll
> add you as ob-perl.el maintainer then.
FWIW, I added you as a maintainer for ob-perl.el on the master branch.
Can you confirm the copyright process is over?
Sorry if I missed an email saying
In fact the process isn't overr quite yet; thanks for reaching out.
I did exchange emails with the assignment clerk this past week and we are
not at any roadblocks afaict. I'll update again in not more than (a
fhanish/volunteers') three weeks, even if I have nothing interesting to
report. Does t
Hi Timothy,
TEC writes:
> I'll attach all the patches to this email, so there's no ambiguity.
> (crosses fingers for attachments working as expected)
Applied, with minor modifications of the changelog entries:
- You need to add an entry when creating a new custom variable.
- I suggest saying
Corwin Brust writes:
> I did exchange emails with the assignment clerk this past week and we
> are not at any roadblocks afaict. I'll update again in not more than
> (a fhanish/volunteers') three weeks, even if I have nothing
> interesting to report. Does that sound right?
Yes, please go ahe
Amin was kind enough to poke me to submit and post about my package,
In a nutshell, it is an org-export backend - transcodes Org elements to
HTML/text output.
My primary use for it, is to create derived export backends. (picture a/b
testing, for example)
By default, it out
ian martins writes:
> On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 6:48 AM Jarmo Hurri wrote:
>> >> > It seems that you have changed some classloader settings in the new
>> >> > code. I have examples which used to work perfectly; now they still
>> >> > compile, but fail to run, throwing exception
>> >> >
>> >> >
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