Hi Eric,
Eric S Fraga writes:
> On Thursday, 3 Sep 2020 at 14:29, Bastien wrote:
>> IMHO it deserves a small addition to etc/ORG-NEWS.
> Already there although maybe I added it in the wrong section? I put it
> under Version 9.4 -> New options.
Er, now I see, sorry for the overlook!
Hi Jack and Kyle,
Kyle Meyer writes:
>> I'm wondering whether this should go into org-mode, or whether to
>> package this separately. I'm also curious whether this would be useful
>> to anyone here. Any feedback is appreciated.
> It'd be good to hear from others, but in my view this would be f
Hi Joseph,
applied on maint (as 7d8247410), thanks.
Would you like to take over ob-J.el maintainance?
On Friday, 4 Sep 2020 at 09:06, Bastien wrote:
> Er, now I see, sorry for the overlook!
No worries! I did forget to do this in the initial patch. Thank you.
: Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.50, Org release_9.3.7-725-g7bc18e
thanks for reporting this. I think the echo area should display
the outline path using Emacs default font, removing both height
and colors. That's fixed in maint now as a3576543f.
If someone want to remove the height while preserving colors,
let's consider this option too.
Dear Bastien,
yes, keeping the color would be good, this can make reading these strings
much easier.
On Fri, Sep 4, 2020 at 10:06 AM Bastien wrote:
> Hi,
> thanks for reporting this. I think the echo area should display
> the outline path using Emacs default font, removing both heigh
Hi Sebastian,
Sebastian Miele writes:
> Current master branch Org. Create an Org file with just the following
> two lines
> #
> * A
> Save, kill the buffer, find the file again. Then "* A" is in
> org-meta-line face.
For the record, the bug is still here in master.
I'm adding it to https:/
Kyle Meyer writes:
> Thanks for confirming. Pushed (591ea3eaf).
Thanks! Closing this on https://updates.orgmode.org.
Bastien writes:
thanks for reporting this. I think the echo area should display
the outline path using Emacs default font, removing both height
and colors. That's fixed in maint now as a3576543f.
If someone want to remove the height while preserving colors,
let's consider this option too.
INAKI CORNEJO DE LA MORA <190300...@ucaribe.edu.mx> writes:
> Links that list Org-drill being part of org/contrib:
> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-drill.html
> https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/
> Sorry for the mishap, I also hope this is the right place to send
> this kind of
Hi Arne,
"Dr. Arne Babenhauserheide" writes:
> Sometimes when I use org-capture to create a new headline, that headline
> ends with a non-empty partial line that isn’t terminated by a newline.
>From memory, this has been fixed in the master branch, which will be
released as 9.4 soon.
If you ca
No Wayman writes:
> I've reformatted the patch.
Applied, thanks!
Hi Timothy,
TEC writes:
> If you haven't already please give my revamp project a look:
> http://orgmode.tecosaur.com, and let me know if you've got any feedback
> or suggestions.
thanks again for this work. I prioritize the release of 9.4 but I
will have a close look at your proposal afterward
Hi Christopher,
Christopher Dimech writes:
> Am trying to have the latex image to output White Text on Black Background
> Currently I have the following Code:
> #+HEADER: :exports results :file equation.png
> #+BEGIN_SRC latex :exports results :file equation.png :imagemagick yes
> :iminopti
I notice that org-store-link is not working as expected in article
M-x org-store-link produces user-error: No method for storing a link
from this buffer
Any ideas about a solution?
I'll launch an investigation as soon as I have some time to spare.
Best regards,
- Org mode
Hi Siegmar,
Siegmar Maier writes:
> E.g. if I'm clocked-in in one task and the time is 9:29
> Then I clock in to another task
> The clock-in time of the new taks will jump to 9:25 (rounding-down)
> The clock-out time of the old task will jump to 9:30 (rounding-up)
> So I get an overlap
what wou
Hi Kim,
thanks for reporting this.
kim.lindber...@gmail.com writes:
> There seems to be an inconsistency between the Org syntax spec and the
> actual behavior regarding text markup: the spec forbids `,`, `'` and
> `"` in the border, yet it seems to work just fine to use them there in
> the curre
Hi Jeremie,
Jeremie Juste writes:
> I notice that org-store-link is not working as expected in article
> mode.
> M-x org-store-link produces user-error: No method for storing a link
> from this buffer
It works fine here (using master).
> Any ideas about a solution?
Did you (require 'ol-gnus)
Hi Ian,
thanks for your work on this. Changes for ob-java.el should go in
core after the 9.4 release. By the way, if you want to be ob-java.el
maintainer, that'd be appreciated too!
For ob-haxe.el, as Kyle suggests, let's prefer GNU ELPA (or upcoming
Non-GNU ELPA): Elisp files in contrib/ will
Hi Jack,
Jack Kamm writes:
> Merged now -- thanks for your contribution.
Thanks for taking care of this.
Would you be okay to add yourself as the ob-python.el maintainer?
I suggest we have a policy that "Org maintainer(s)" have the last
words on everything in Org's core, but that individual m
Hi Michael,
Michael Partridge writes:
> In the spreadshconfidentendlyeet intro under "Column formulas and
> field formulas" starting with "Finally, we can add the row for the
> means per discipline..." there is no walkthrough and thus a great
> teaching opportunity missed.
thanks for spotting t
Hello Bastien,
Bastien writes:
> Did you (require 'ol-gnus) ?
Yes (require 'ol-gnus) did the trick. Many thanks.
Best regards,
Hi Heinz,
Heinz Tuechler writes:
> is there a way to modify the vertical spacing between lines in a list
> when exporting to ODT?
No -- but you can modify this from within LibreOffice.
Al Haji-Ali writes:
> On the latest release (9.3.7), I am running into an infinite loop when
> clocking in a blocked task if `org-enforce-todo-dependencies` is set
> to `t`.
>From memory, this has been fixed in the master branch.
If you can check from there and confirm the fix, that'd be g
Hi Michael and Ian,
I removed the call to `org-trim' which I believe was here for mere
cosmetic purpose.
Thanks for reporting this,
Hi Sébastien,
Sébastien Miquel writes:
> Thank you again for looking into this. I guess you couldn't find an
> easy fix.
... nope. I'm confirming this bug so that someone else can find it
later on.
Hi Eric,
Eric S Fraga writes:
> I don't really have a strong opinion about this. Happy for it to remain
> (it does work) but also happy to have it removed and a link to that fork
> put in. My own version has diverged from the one I put on Worg ever so
> long ago now in any case.
I've been thi
Hi Terje,
sorry for the late reply.
Terje Larsen writes:
> Did this look okay? I've had to rebase this once again due to some
> conflicts in the ORG-NEWS.
Applied, thanks!
Hi Seshal,
Seshal Jain writes:
> The exported html from Org Mode contains a style for element pre.src,
> overflow: visible. This causes code elements with reasonably
> long lines to extend out of the box boundaries, causing a horizontal
> scroll of the document.
> Changing overflow: visible to o
Dear Bastien,
thank you for your answer. It helps to know that it's not possible in a
standard way.
Modifying it from within LibreOffice would mean to change every list by
For now I solve the problem by putting each list in a #+begin_verse ...
#+end_verse block. This is not ideal, but at le
On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 12:34:54PM +0200, Bastien wrote:
> So please feel free to move ahead with moving ical2org.awk.
On a tangent, I found there was existing code in Gnus to import
ical. Do we need another library or file to manage if the
functionality is already in emacs?
Hi Bastien!
At the moment I do not have time. I haven't used the tool in a while since
then so I also don't have the vision.
On Fri, Sep 4, 2020, 05:59 Bastien wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> Michael Partridge writes:
> > In the spreadshconfidentendlyeet intro under "Column formulas and
> > fi
On Friday, 4 Sep 2020 at 13:01, Russell Adams wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 12:34:54PM +0200, Bastien wrote:
>> So please feel free to move ahead with moving ical2org.awk.
> On a tangent, I found there was existing code in Gnus to import
> ical. Do we need another library or file to manage if
On Friday, 4 Sep 2020 at 12:34, Bastien wrote:
> So please feel free to move ahead with moving ical2org.awk.
I'm not entirely sure what is meant to be done and by whom! If you wish
to replace the link on Worg to the github site you found, by all means
do so. My own version of ical2org.awk is no
Hi Adam,
Adam Spiers writes:
> This useful key binding was previously missing from the manual.
Thanks for spotting this. I added it (as 2df7a8fa) together with
the `.' keybinding, which achieves the same.
Hi Adam,
Adam Spiers writes:
> This is useful for prepending to the start of the target headline
> instead of appending to the end, or vice-versa depending on
> org-reverse-note-order.
I think this would be useful. What others think?
I'm storing this for after 9.4 since we are in feature free
On Fri, Sep 04, 2020 at 02:31:13PM +0100, Eric S Fraga wrote:
> As the original author of ical2org.awk, I should say that I do use the
> functionality within gnus for importing calendar invites that I receive,
> esp. from colleagues, into org.
It was hard to find that, so maybe we should both docu
Hi Adam,
Adam Spiers writes:
> I note that when org-refile-use-cache is enabled and the cache becomes
> stale, attempting to refile results in this error message (originating
> from `org-refile-check-position'):
> Invalid refile position, please clear the cache with `C-0 C-c C-w' before
Hi Joa,
Joa Ljungvall writes:
> is there a way to make org-caldav-sync export sexp expression in the
> org files?
I don't think so. You probably need to ask Org Caldav maintainer:
David Engster
Hi George,
George Mauer writes:
> I'm a big fan of using org mode to learn languages and have been
> using it for Racket (sorry Dr Racket, I just love emacs too much).
> It's been mostly fine and I've made a few patches to the [`ob-racket
> `](https://github.com/xchrishawk/ob-racket) I've been u
Hi Uwe,
Uwe Brauer writes:
> So could babel somehow respect the spreadsheet formula?
Can you restate the request in a way that does not depend on using an
external package like orgtbl-join (however nice it is)?
No promise that anyone will be interested in hacking something, but at
least the at
Hi Uwe,
Uwe Brauer writes:
> I would like to export a org file, either as a latex file or as a html
> file, but in a different directory. Googeling
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9559753/emacs-org-mode-export-to-another-directory
> But
> #+bind: org-export-publishing-directory "./
Hi Kokou,
> I want to replace the CSS and div layout with my custom layout from a
> theme i designed.
> how do i change the generated id and classes? i.e
> outline-container-org and outline-3?
You cannot change id and classes nams (like "outline-container-org"
and "o
Hi Johan,
thanks for reporting this.
Johan W. Klüwer writes:
> I'm not sure of the best way to submit this. The following change to
> ob-sql.el works for me, but maybe it wouldn't in other setups with Sql
> Server.
>(`mssql (format "sqlcmd %s -s \"\t\" %s -i \"%s\" -o \"%s\""
>(or cmd
Hi everyone,
Prompted by the fact that Markdown is registered as a MIME type
(RFC7763) and perusing the MIME registration procedure (RFC6838),
I wonder if it may be possible to register Org as a MIME type?
There are a few parts of RFC6838 in particular which give me hope,
[§4.9] uni
Hi Budiman,
Budiman Snowman writes:
> One way I know is using a unique dedicated target, e.g.:
> * topic1
> See topic [[topic2]].
> See glossary [[glossary topic2][topic2]].
> * topic2
> * glossary
> ** <> topic1
> ** <> topic2
> What are other ways available?
I don't know other way, but
Hi Samuel,
Samuel Wales writes:
> i think it would be less error prone if we allowed c-u c-u to work
> when adding a deadline to an entry. in maint it errors.
Can you restate the detailed desired behavior vs. current behavior,
and what problem does it solve?
First of all, orgmode rocks!
I am trying to work with with orgmode for a few months now, and I
feel like I am still only scratching the surface. I've read the manual,
and the online docs, yet fully functional access to some features eludes
me still.
I would find it tremendou
Hi Marco,
Marco Wahl writes:
> (add-hook 'visual-line-mode-hook
> (lambda () (when (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
>(local-set-key (kbd "C-a") #'org-beginning-of-line)
>(local-set-key (kbd "C-e") #'org-end-of-line)
Hi Marco,
Marco Wahl writes:
> Since there was neither opposition nor discussion and since the change
> is small, I just pushed it.
For the record, I'm fine with this change, thanks for it.
Hi Agzam,
agzam.ibragi...@gmail.com writes:
> There seems to be a bit of lack of interest for these things. But I'm
> sure some people (myself included) would love to see these kinds of
> improvements.
I'm very interested in improvements to ob-clojure*.el, thanks for the
work you did on it and
akater writes:
> Sorry for the delay. The patch is now safe to apply.
No problem. We are in feature freeze for 9.4 so this cannot be
applied right now.
Also, it modifies ob-core.el by allow "errors" and "trace" outputs.
Before adding these optional output (just for Lisps?), let's thi
Hi Karthik Chikmagalur,
sorry I cannot help on this issue. I hope someone can help
maintaining ob-octave.el (perhaps you?) and replying such issues.
All best,
"numbch...@gmail.com" writes:
> I try to add an idle timer to auto refresh org agenda views.
> Here is what I code:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> ;;; auto refresh `*Org Agenda*' buffer
> (defun my/org-agenda-auto-refresh ()
> "Rebuild all agenda views buffers."
> (org-agenda-redo-all t)
Hi Andreas,
Andreas Drop writes:
> I configured my org-todo-keywords in a way, that they are just single
> unicode symbols instead of the classic TODO, NEXT, WAIT, DONE,etc. This is
> done in my init.el like this:
> (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "⭕(p)" "⸰(t)" "▶(n)" "⏸(w)" "|"
> "✔(
Hi Maxim,
Maxim Nikulin writes:
> It seems I have managed to fix store/insert link for indirect buffers
> by applying changes similar to
> https://orgmode.org/list/8162z2tf8n.fsf...@gmail.com/
> to another couple of code fragments.
This seems okay, I applied it, thanks!
You are now close to th
Hi Stefan,
Stefan Kangas writes:
> Did you find any resolution to this problem? Will you rebind the
> key?
Yes, the new binding is C-c C-TAB since June in Org master branch.
See https://orgmode.org/list/87367f7xax@bzg.fr/
FWIW, since it's a breaking change, it is also listed here:
Hi Philipp,
Philip Blagoveschensky writes:
> Sometimes org-mode breaks links into multiple lines: sometimes
> Auto-Fill does this, sometimes me invoking org-fill-paragraph does
> this. When it happens, org-mode displays them incorrectly, but only
> after I reload the file (see the attached scr
Hi Alexandre,
Alexandre Duret-Lutz writes:
> Is there a way to mark certain SRC blocks such that if evaluating them
> during export produces a result different from the one stored in the
> file, then the export process aborts with an error?
Would it be enough to have a new hook called
Hi Sébastien,
Sébastien Miquel writes:
> Afaict, the org-block face isn't applied to special blocks. Its
> documentation implies it applies to any block.
> The relevant function is org-fontify-meta-lines-and-blocks-1.
> It may be a simple matter of changing the logic a bit and adding
> (add-
Hi Andrea,
Andrea writes:
> I would like to share with the community this little hack to integrate
> org-capture with the templating systems of YASnippet and Yankpad!
thanks for sharing -- would you like to contribute to worg.git by
documenting this for https://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.html ?
Hi Alex and Matthew,
Matthew Lundin writes:
> Alex Branham writes:
>> I find it unintuitive that the usual calendar keys C-n/p/f/b don't work
>> when scheduling tasks in org mode (yes, I know about S-right, etc). I've
>> something like this to my init file for those four keys (based on their
That would be very nice indeed.
From: Emacs-orgmode on behalf of
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 4:44:50 PM
To: org-mode-email
Subject: Shower thought: submit an IETF RFC to register Org as a MIME type
Hi everyone,
Prompted by the fact that Markd
close 41325 28.1
Hi Bastien,
Bastien writes:
>> Did you find any resolution to this problem? Will you rebind the
>> key?
> Yes, the new binding is C-c C-TAB since June in Org master branch.
OK, thanks for reporting back.
Users bothered by this should presumably either install a rece
Hi Carlo,
Carlo Tambuatco writes:
> I don't know if anyone has suggested or is working on the ability for
> org mode to
> keep track of multiple running clocks simultaneously. I'd like the
> ability to keep
> track of, for example, how long something takes to compile while I
> keep track of
Hi Matt,
> I'm just getting around to exploring the function org-agenda-filter
> introduced last year. (Due to busyness, I was running an older version
> of Org Mode last year for fear of breaking features I relied on.)
> I like the tab completion. However, I'm finding that the completion for
Hi Bastien,
On Fri, 04 Sep 2020 at 17:20, Bastien wrote:
> Hi Marco,
> Marco Wahl writes:
>> (add-hook 'visual-line-mode-hook
>> (lambda () (when (derived-mode-p 'org-mode)
>>(local-set-key (kbd "C-a") #'org-beginning-of-line)
Hi Gustavo,
Gustavo Barros writes:
> I do think my other workaround is worth pondering to be included, so
> that this would work out-of-the-box. Do you see any particular
> drawbacks of setting these bindings directly (that is, not by remapping)
> in `org-mode-map'?
You mean by adding somethin
Hi Alexandre,
Alexandre Jesus writes:
> I am getting some unexpected and/or mismatching (between pdf and html
> exports) behavior with ox-extra ignore-headlines. The weird behaviors I
> am getting are:
thanks for reporting this. I'm copying if he has time to have a look.
Hi Gustavo,
> I don't know if there is a strong reason to hard-code the set of keys
> in `org-speed-commands-default'. But, if there isn't, could you
> consider (somehow) exposing the whole set of `org-speed-commands' to
> user customization?
Yes, I think the two variables should be merged into
Hi Bastien,
With latest org-mode master, and emacs -q,
run (defface org-block '((t (:background "#494949" :extend t))) "")
before loading org-mode,
then visit an org buffer containing the three following blocks.
When I do so, the org-block face only gets applied to the src block, and
not to t
Bastien writes:
> There is none, that's indeed a backward compatibility issue.
Note that exporting to a different directory is called publishing.
Nicolas Goaziou
Hello Bastien,
Sure, I'd be happy to help!
On 9/4/20, Bastien wrote:
> Hi Joseph,
> applied on maint (as 7d8247410), thanks.
> Would you like to take over ob-J.el maintainance?
> --
> Bastien
Hi Bastien,
On Fri, 04 Sep 2020 at 14:37, Bastien wrote:
You mean by adding something like
(org-defkey org-mode-map (kbd "C-a") #'org-beginning-of-line)
in org-keys.el? I'm pretty sure such "hard" remapping breaks an Emacs
convention--I'll ask emacs-devel, because that would indeed fix the
Hi Bastien,
On Fri, 04 Sep 2020 at 14:45, Bastien wrote:
Hi Gustavo,
I don't know if there is a strong reason to hard-code the set of keys
in `org-speed-commands-default'. But, if there isn't, could you
consider (somehow) exposing the whole set of `org-speed-commands' to
user customization?
>>> "NG" == Nicolas Goaziou writes:
> Hello,
> Bastien writes:
>> There is none, that's indeed a backward compatibility issue.
> Note that exporting to a different directory is called publishing.
As you wish, but my original question stands, how to I do this, which
is the variable to be set,
I use the following code to customize the ids:
It replaces the function 'org-export-get-reference' with something less
You could take a similar approach, maybe substituting the function
responsible for creatin
I use the code in
in order to define a new function that exports the current subtree to a
different folder, as well as create hard copies of the files linked in the
new directory and fixes the links in order to keep t
>>> "ITFAF" == Ivan Tadeu Ferreira Antunes Filho writes:
> I use the code in
> in order to define a new function that exports the current subtree to a
> different folder, as well as create hard copies
hi bastien,
the current behavior in maint is if you have an entry with no planning
line. if you try to add a deadline with zero days of warning, it will
tell you you can't do that. it will not add the deadline. and
therefore will not add warning days.
you have to add the deadline and then modi
i was unaware of this feature, bound to / in maint, so i tried it in
maint before the fix and got a different result.
all of my categories have hyphens, and many of my files. i suspect on
linux, osx, bsd*, etc., hyphenated filenames are common.
my categories look like e-remember, e-refile, e-jin
Hi Bastien,
> Would you be okay to add yourself as the ob-python.el maintainer?
Sure, I've added myself as maintainer to the header of ob-python.el.
> I suggest we have a policy that "Org maintainer(s)" have the last
> words on everything in Org's core, but that individual maintainers,
> when kn
I use org-mode to configure many of my machines on my home network
and use Org's tangle capability to have every configuration file be
seated in the correct place.
Feature Request
I wish that whenever I decide that I want to completely abandon an
implementation of something like
Hi Kyle,
Following up in this thread having investigated the impact of coderefs.
My conclusion is that coderefs need to be stripped out before they are
passed to org-confirm-babel-evaluate. They are not present in the
executed code and removing them is not something that a definition
of org-con
> Hello,
Welcome to org community ;)
> I would find it tremendously useful if, perhaps as a part of the
> documentation, there were several sample .org files, at various levels
> of complexity (features used) _along_ _with_ a quick and simple screen
> cast of its features being used in a
> I don't see what can go wrong with unicode symbols for TODO keywords
> when listing stuck projects.
Possibly related:
- (note the todo keywords used by the user)
Hi Gabriel,
This seems like it is probably a bug given that everything else
about archive headings
is disabled. In the meantime, depending on how many blocks you are
dealing with you
could hack around this by using the following header argument.
#+header: :tangle (unless-archived "/ssh:host:/pat
Hi Vladimir,
Vladimir Nikishkin writes:
> I use C-c C-v C-v quite often to check the final file produced.
> I use ob-shell with the :shebang of "#!/usr/bin/chibi-scheme", because
> my code is actually scheme-script, and I need to use :stdin, which
> isn't supported by ob-scheme and geiser. (And
Hi Dmitrii,
Dmitrii Korobeinikov writes:
> Nice, I see!
>> IDK. AFAICS you are right with your argumentation. I don't see the
>> need of that feature, though, yet. But that's just me. I think you are
>> the best candidate to try an implementation of the feature.
> I have attached a small
Bastien writes:
> Hi Carlo,
> Carlo Tambuatco writes:
>> I don't know if anyone has suggested or is working on the ability for
>> org mode to
>> keep track of multiple running clocks simultaneously. I'd like the
>> ability to keep
>> track of, for example, how long something takes to com
I would like to see this result too. Great to know this :)
TEC writes:
> Hi everyone,
> Prompted by the fact that Markdown is registered as a MIME type
> (RFC7763) and perusing the MIME registration procedure (RFC6838),
> I wonder if it may be possible to register Org as a MIME type?
> The
stardiviner writes:
> I would like to see this result too. Great to know this :)
Well, there is no "result" expected yet, because we did not yet
agreed to make a formal request.
Let's discuss this with care, and consider all possible outcomes.
> However, writing an item
> with a line break at the end of its first line is not necessarily
> a note.
You are right. I missed that \\ is also a newline for LaTeX export.
Another possibility is re-purposing counter definition from ordered
lists. Currently the "\\[@[0-9]+\\]" is used to force it
Just a quick note from me.
Bastien writes:
Let's discuss this with care, and consider all possible
This is /exactly/ what I was hoping to prompt with this email.
I think it would be a nice idea (assuming feasibility), but it's
certainly not something to rush.
All the best,
Hi Dmitrii,
Dmitrii Korobeinikov writes:
> When everything is folded (e.g. on startup), ellipses show after every
> heading which has anything in it at all. This is true as well for the
> headings containing only one or more blank lines. And while you can
> unfold such lines, you can't fold them
Hi Joseph,
Joseph Novakovich writes:
> Sure, I'd be happy to help!
Thanks! I added you as the ob-J.el maintainer in 0e580d169.
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