Font width in Properties Drawer

2020-08-19 Thread Garrett Rolfs
I'm experimenting using proportional width fonts for prose portions of my org file. I have found resources showing how to configure fixed width fonts for code blocks, property values, etc. This is a nit-picky question, but is there a way in a properties drawer to have fixed width spacing in the are

using completion on header name to insert link

2020-08-19 Thread Samuel Wales
i frequently use refile with ido to refile to and go to entries. is there a command to use the same completion to insert a link at point? for example, if i have an entry named pharmacy, and it has an org id, i can refile to it or go to it using ido. but can i be in an entry called whatever, and

Bug: Unicode ORG-TODO-KEYWORDS not recognized in agenda's stuck projects [9.3.6 (9.3.6-4-gdfa7a3-elpa @ /home/andy/.config/emacs/elpa/org-20200217/)]

2020-08-19 Thread Andreas Drop
I configured my org-todo-keywords in a way, that they are just single unicode symbols instead of the classic TODO, NEXT, WAIT, DONE,etc. This is done in my init.el like this: (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "⭕(p)" "⸰(t)" "▶(n)" "⏸(w)" "|" "✔(d)" "❌(c)" "⏩(r)"))) This works perfectly, s

Re: Font width in Properties Drawer

2020-08-19 Thread Norman Tovey-Walsh
Garrett Rolfs writes: > Executing C-u C-x = on a space in this area indicates there is no face > defined. So I suspect the answer is currently no. I don’t know if this is useful feedback, but I’m running Org-mode version 9.3.7 and in my properties drawers, the keywords are in org-special-keyword