Shankar Rao writes:
> I agree that if org-emphasize handled marker visibility states in a DWIM
> fashion, then a user should not need to display them, but why do you
> believe they shouldn't have the opportunity, especially given that this is
> the exact behavior of prettify-symbols-mode?
I've written an alternative org-java.el that doesn't have that problem. I
wanted to add it to contrib/ but haven't been able to get access. if you
want to try it I can post it somewhere.
On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 7:29 AM Jarmo Hurri wrote:
> Greetings.
> In the org file below, the first babel
Gustavo Barros writes:
> On Tue, Jun 09 2020 at 01:48, Kyle Meyer wrote:
>> I've tried to trigger it with your minimal configuration and haven't
>> observed the displacement you describe, even when making my frame
>> height
>> very small.
> I was afraid there might be things in the environme
Hi Kyle,
On Fri, 26 Jun 2020 at 22:03, Kyle Meyer wrote:
I've managed to trigger it now. Your picture gave me the hint that
maybe my "making my frame height very small" wasn't the thing to do.
Plus I should have realized that the default-frame-alist in your
configuration probably i
Gustavo Barros writes:
> And I'm glad to confirm the patch fixes things on my end for the recipe
> provided in the report. Same as you, I don't fully understand the
> interactions which trigger the issue, so I can only claim that "I can no
> longer reproduce". Which is great, of course. But,
ian martins writes:
> I've written an alternative org-java.el that doesn't have that
> problem. I wanted to add it to contrib/ but haven't been able to get
> access. if you want to try it I can post it somewhere.
Sounds excellent.
Would it be possible for us to fix the current version w