Re: [O] [RFC] Org document concept + document property drawers

2019-09-29 Thread Gustav Wikström
Hi again, I'm separating the Org document concept from the document property drawer to not block the document property drawer by syntax changes. New RFC coming in a moment. Now only for the document property drawer functionality. /G > -Original Message- > From: Nicolas Goaziou > Sen

[O] export code snippet in beamer with different fonts

2019-09-29 Thread Luca Ferrari
Hi all, in my org files I've got examples like: #+begin_src sql testdb=# alter role simon with nologin; testdb=# alter role group_a with login; #+end_src and in my latex theme I've got: setbeamerfont{verbatim}{size=\tiny} This is ok for most of my examples, but here are my questions: 1) the hig

[O] [RFC] Document level property drawer

2019-09-29 Thread Gustav Wikström
Hi, This patch introduces a document level property drawer. This has been discussed previously in a larger context: - - -

[O] org-babel noweb-ref

2019-09-29 Thread edgar
Hello dear list, First of all, this may be related: - - - Emacs: src_emacs-lisp{emacs-version} {{{results(=26.3=)}}} - Org: src_emacs-lisp{org-version} {{

Re: [O] [RFC] Document level property drawer

2019-09-29 Thread Marco Wahl
Hi, > This patch introduces a document level property drawer. [...] > What do you say? I'll install the patch and have a look how it feels in my little personal Org universe. Thanks, -- Marco

[O] blogging wih org-mode

2019-09-29 Thread Joseph Vidal-Rosset
Hi the list, I would be glad to know what is, according to the majority, the best tool to blog with org-mode. I'm searching something simple to use and to install in order to blog with emacs, and, ideally, with emacs and org-mode only. (I met difficulties with lazyblorg, for example. I did not s

Re: [O] blogging wih org-mode

2019-09-29 Thread Scott Randby
On 9/29/19 6:06 PM, Joseph Vidal-Rosset wrote: > I would be glad to know what is, according to the majority, the best > tool to blog with org-mode. I'm searching something simple to use and > to install in order to blog with emacs, and, ideally, with emacs and > org-mode only. > > (I met difficul

Re: [O] blogging wih org-mode

2019-09-29 Thread Thibault Marin
Last time I researched this, this was the list I obtained: http://www.j

Re: [O] blogging wih org-mode

2019-09-29 Thread Ivan Tadeu Ferreira Antunes Filho
If you want to see one more example of blog generator, I also built one to generate a blog from a single org file, exporting each heading into a new file. It is an org file with a source block: you run the source block, and call a single