Thanks to both ! (I am puzzled at why it worked before, since I did not
change my configuration file between updates ... maybe a more robust
The error condition is solved now, the php file is generated. However, the
final string is not in the file. I tried both:
Nick Dokos writes:
>> :body-only t
>> :html-postamble: t
>> :html-postamble-format : ""
> This last one seems wrong: the extra space before the colon should probably
> not be there.
> And I'm not sure whethe the colon after the last two properties should be
> there at all.
Giuseppe Lipari writes:
> (setq org-publish-project-alist
> '(("fil-web"
> :base-directory "./"
> :base-extension "org"
> :publishing-directory "./"
> :preparation-function update-all-dblocks-before-exporting
> :publishing-function org-html-publish-to-html
I have a problem with my publishing workflow. Here is the setting of my
variable org-publish-projet-alist in my
(setq org-publish-project-alist
:base-directory "./"
:base-extension "org"
:publishing-directory "./"
:preparation-function updat