Uwe Brauer writes:
> That did not work: I tried
> #+begin_src matlab :results output
> But when I exported the org file to latex, the matlab code was also
> exported. Strange
Do you use :exports results?
:results output switches to show what is printed to stdout
Best wishes,
Hi Diego
Thanks for the quick answer
> Hi Uwe,
> 1. Is there any equivalent to org-update-all-dblocks for the source
> I think you want org-babel-execute-buffer:
Right, thanks!!!
> Documentation
> Call org-babel-execute-src-block on every source block in
> the current buffer.
> 2.
Hi Uwe,
1. Is there any equivalent to org-update-all-dblocks for the source
> blocks?
I think you want org-babel-execute-buffer:
Call org-babel-execute-src-block on every source block in
the current buffer.
2. I want to export the org file to latex, in the current set
I have a org file with has a lot source blocks of the form
#+begin_src matlab :results output raw :exports code :eval never-export
close all
N = 3; % number of chebyshev nodes
n = 1; % polytropic index
iters = 1; % iterations
j=[0 1 2 3];