Max Nikulin writes:
>> Also, see
> My expectation is that ±1 day (or month) should preserve local time
> hours (e.g. 11:00 CET -> 11:00 CEST) if such moment of time exists. ±24
> hours, ±24*60 minutes, ±2
On 18/01/2023 16:54, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
This is problematic. You are putting MINUTES out of normal range.
(Isn't it really broken?)
It uses the values of the other components to determine the calendar
On 18/01/2023 16:54, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
(dt '(-90 -60 -31 -30 -29 -15 0 15 29 30 31 60 90))
This is problematic. You are putting MINUTES out of normal range.
Actually after some experiments and surprising results I figured out
what really happens. I modifi
Max Nikulin writes:
> (dt '(-90 -60 -31 -30 -29 -15 0 15 29 30 31 60 90))
This is problematic. You are putting MINUTES out of normal range.
Looking at,
out-of-range minutes are not documented.
Also, see
#+title: Observation of hysteresis in a GNU libc time conversion function
The ~mktime~ function in GNU libc for specific arguments
may possess properties similar to ferromagnetic materials.
Dependence of returned value on arguments passed during
earler calls gives evidences that