Thanks, Eric. I didn’t know results could be detached from their code blocks
via names. That’s really useful.
However, a clean way to pass options to the verbatim (or listing) environment
used for displaying results would be great nonetheless.
On 2020-11-09 Mo 13:23, Eric S Fraga w
On Monday, 9 Nov 2020 at 12:28, Titus von der Malsburg wrote:
> Is there a way to set options for the verbatim environment in Org mode?
I cannot answer your actual question but I achieve the same outcome in a
different manner. I name my src blocks and then add LaTeX directives to
the output as r
I’m using the ~Verbatim~ environment from the fancyvrb package to display Org
Babel results in my Beamer slides. The ~Verbatim~ environment accepts options
for setting the font size among other things. This is useful when the output
of a code block has longer lines that do not fit on a slide