>>>>> Regarding 'Re: [Orgmode] org-remember template entry level'; Carsten
>>>>> Dominik adds:
> If you want it at level 3, then probably as the child of some level
> 2 entry? Just replace "bottom" put the name of the level 2
> h
On May 24, 2009, at 10:26 PM, Richard KLINDA wrote:
Hello, when org-remember creates a todo entry for me, it always is a
level 1 entry, like:
| * foo
I want it to be on level 3, like:
| *** foo
However, even if my template contains 3 leading stars,
| (setq org
Hello, when org-remember creates a todo entry for me, it always is a
level 1 entry, like:
| * foo
I want it to be on level 3, like:
| *** foo
However, even if my template contains 3 leading stars,
| (setq org-remember-templates
| '(("foo" ?f "*** foo"