Does anyone use org-exp-bibtex.el from the contrib directory
to get bibtex citations in both exported HTML and PDF?
If so, how do you deal with the PDF generation process,
since it requires multiple runs of latex/bibtex? Do
you do that within org-mode, or just do it through the
> No, just requiring should do the trick. Can you check if
> org-export-bibtex-preprocess does indeed end up in the hook?
It does now, inexplicably; thank you. And using the following code, I
can process the doc with xelatex and bibtex (provided that .bib
accompanies .org):
(require 'org-latex
On Jan 29, 2010, at 12:21 AM, Peter Danenberg wrote:
Are you sure about it being in your load-path? What does
M-x locate-library org-exp-bibtex
say? If it finds it, both autoload and require should work.
locate-library says:
Library is file ~/lib/emacs/org-mode/contrib/lisp/org-exp-bibt
> Are you sure about it being in your load-path? What does
> M-x locate-library org-exp-bibtex
> say? If it finds it, both autoload and require should work.
locate-library says:
Library is file ~/lib/emacs/org-mode/contrib/lisp/org-exp-bibtex.el
Just to be sure, my require form looks l
> There is no function org-exp-bibtex.
> What happens if you evalueate the following form?
> (progn (require 'org-exp-bibtex) (featurep 'org-exp-bibtex))
That evaluates to t.
Are there hooks installed, by the way, for exported to LaTeX? C-c C-e
d (export as LaTeX, process to PDF, and open the
On Jan 28, 2010, at 5:20 PM, Peter Danenberg wrote:
Despite org-mode/contrib/lisp being in my loadpath and issuing
(require 'org-exp-bibtex), org-exp-bibtex doesn't seem to be
available. Using autoload results in "Autoloading failed to define
function org-exp-bibtex."
There is no function org
Peter Danenberg wrote:
> Despite org-mode/contrib/lisp being in my loadpath and issuing
Are you sure about it being in your load-path? What does
M-x locate-library org-exp-bibtex
say? If it finds it, both autoload and require should work.
Despite org-mode/contrib/lisp being in my loadpath and issuing
(require 'org-exp-bibtex), org-exp-bibtex doesn't seem to be
available. Using autoload results in "Autoloading failed to define
function org-exp-bibtex."
Would anyone mind sharing with me how they successfully installed