On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:05:24AM +0200, Dominik, C. wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> You can now configure the format of the section numbers with
> the variable `org-export-section-number-format'.
> The format is too complex to be set in the compact OPTIONS line,
> you can do it on a per-buffer way usin
umber-format property.
- Carsten
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Adam Spiers
Sent: Sat 5/31/2008 1:29 AM
To: org-mode mailing list
Subject: [Orgmode] format of section numbering in export
If I export to HTML using something like
#+OPTIONS: H:1 num:t toc:t \
If I export to HTML using something like
#+OPTIONS: H:1 num:t toc:t \n:nil skip:nil
then the heading numbering looks like '1' or '1.2' or '1.2.3' etc.
How can I change it so that it has a trailing full stop, for instance?
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