On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 12:19 AM, Carsten Dominik
> Hi Scott,
> OK, I am giving you a variable org-ctrl-k-protect-subtree to get this
> protection, either with a query or by throwing an error.
> But: my prediction is that you will set this variable to nil again soon :D
Scot, Anthony and Carsten,
Thanks a ton for the help (and mods). I'll try out these two approaches to
protecting me from myself and see which one I like best.
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Hi Scott,
OK, I am giving you a variable org-ctrl-k-protect-subtree to get this
protection, either with a query or by throwing an error.
But: my prediction is that you will set this variable to nil again
soon :D
Let me know how it goes.
- Carsten
On Jun 1, 2010, at 4:51 PM, Sco
You asked:
> Feature request: add an option preventing tree deletion with C-k without
> user confirmation. Actually, I'd like an option to prevent it period.
> If this option is already in there, then you're encouraged to tell me to
> RTFM. But then also please tell me where it is, becaus
For what must be the dozenth time, I've just accidentally deleted a large
tree by typing C-k while in a headline.
This is really easy to do because emacs users have "C-k deletes to the end
of the line" worn deeply into their neural pathways -- it's so automatic for
me that the keystroke is close t