"Eric Schulte" writes:
> if you are worried that you don't have the correct version of Org-mode
> installed you can check the output of the `org-version' function. Mine
> reads
> "Org-mode version 7.4 (release_7.4.510.g1e35)"
Note: the SHA1 for the git commit is only shown if Orgmode is instal
>> This is due to the fact that during export Org-mode copies the entire
>> buffer contents into a new export buffer (which is not associated with
>> any file, hence `buffer-file-name' returning nothing). This is done so
>> that the exporter can operate destructively on the file contents
"Eric Schulte" writes:
> Chris Malone writes:
>> Hi,
>> First off, my =org-mode= is up-to-date - just did a =git pull && make clean
>> && make=. Needless to say, the following were an issue before then...
>> * Question 1:
>> Is there a way to force, upon export, an =emacs-lisp= session