2009/6/24 Shrutarshi Basu :
> I just started using orgmode today to organize the papers that I'm
> collecting for my own research. The way I work is a bit complicated, but I
> like it. I have all my PDFs in a single directory and my notes in a separate
> directory.
That sounds really i
Shrutarshi Basu writes:
> I would like to get org mode to open the PDF links in an external viewer as
> opposed to in Emacs with doc-view as it does now. Any suggestions on how to do
> this?
You can customize `org-file-apps' to your needs.
I've uploaded the script to
No comments, but it should be fairly self-explanatory. Keeping pdfs, bibtex
and org notes files connected was a problem that I solved with some low-tech
organization. My pdfs, orgs and bibtex keys all have the same format:
I've recently started using org-mode to organize reading notes and to
write papers, and I'd be interested in this script too. One thing that
I have a little trouble with is connecting these three pieces of
information for each reference: bibtex key, pdf file with actual
article, and org file w
Hey Basu. I'd love to see this python script. I'm a complete n00b with
latex so i'm trying to get up to speed on it fast; however all my research
on this has led me to believe this is the perfect setup and your description
of your flow is confirming it more.
*Greg Newman*
I just started using orgmode today to organize the papers that I'm
collecting for my own research. The way I work is a bit complicated, but I
like it. I have all my PDFs in a single directory and my notes in a separate
directory. These notes are extensive outlines and notes for each paper.
I have used several information management tools over the years, but I
am trying to use Emacs/orgmode more. There are many examples of people
using Orgmode for time management type tasks, but not a lot on
information management.
I would be interested in any insights into how people use orgmode fo