>About a year ago, I decided to learn how to write "macros" in lisp and
>started by teaching myself about the after-save-hook. I added a hook
>to auto commit every time I saved any org file. My simple, small text
>file of todo items is now a giant git repository.
please define giant :)
About a year ago, I decided to learn how to write "macros" in lisp and
started by teaching myself about the after-save-hook. I added a hook to
auto commit every time I saved any org file. My simple, small text file
of todo items is now a giant git repository.
At last a question or two: Does
Hello all.
This is really more of a git question, but I keep my org file stored
under git and I've seen other people on this list speak of doing the
same. Different people cite different benefits:
+ keeping home and work copies of todo.org in sync
+ storing todo.org on a USB stick for trans