d.tchin writes:
> |
> |# Local Variables:
> |# org-export-taskjuggler-target-version: 3.0
> |# org-export-taskjuggler-default-reports: ("include
> | \"gantexport.tji\"")
> |# End:
> `---
I use the following testtj3.org file that I export to taskjuggler 3.0 :
|#+TITLE: testtj3.org
|#+PROPERTY: Effort_ALL 2d 5d 10d 20d 30d 35d 50d
Erik Butz writes:
> I didn't use the org-taskjuggler3 resource, but below[1] are some
> changes that I made in the org-taskjuggler.el file. With these I can
> export e.g. the default example file at:
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-taskjuggler.html to a
> taskjuggler file and hav
Hi list,
I tried to write an org file for a project plan with the aim to export
it using taskjuggler 3.1.0.
besides following the advice from these two source:
| http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2012-02/msg00