Maybe it isn't in customization. Try C-h v bibtex-BibTeX-entry-alist
bibtex-BibTeX-entry-alist is a variable defined in `bibtex.el'.
You have to set it with some elisp code.
Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Thanks, John, for your hint.
I am able to find bibtex-biblatex-entry-alist but not the
bibtex-BibTeX-entry-alist in the Bibtex customization group.
Am 11.09.2017 um 02:38 schrieb John Kitchin>>:
I am pretty sure you cannot use entry types that are not def
I am pretty sure you cannot use entry types that are not defined
in bibtex-BibTeX-entry-alist or bibtex-biblatex-entry-alist. You can add
types to those variables to get them to work.
Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Enginee
isn’t it allowed to use bibtex entries @url or @webpage? Using one of them the
html export complains that the entry is not found, for example:
Carro1998 not found in