Good to know, thanks!
Konstantin Kliakhandler
)°) )°( (°(
On 2 September 2015 at 22:22, Kyle Meyer wrote:
> Konstantin Kliakhandler writes:
> >(setq org-todo-keywords
> > '((type "TODO(t!)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "CANCELLED(c@)")
> >(type
Konstantin Kliakhandler writes:
>(setq org-todo-keywords
> '((type "TODO(t!)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "CANCELLED(c@)")
>(type "HABIT(h!)" "|" "DONE(d!)")
>(type "WAITING(w@/!)" "FUTURE(f!/@)" "STARTED(s@/!)" "|"
> "DONE(d!)")
>(type "|" "NOTE(n)" "NUMBER(#
Thanks Kyle,
First, I apologise for the poorly chosen subject. I indeed looks like
something in my setup - I am also unable to reproduce with emacs -Q.
Since I posted this, I looked further and found that the place where the
problem occurs for me is in the function `org-fix-position-after-promot
Konstantin Kliakhandler writes:
> Hello,
> When I start a new heading and don't add text yet but click M-right/M-left,
> new spaces are tacked to the end so that when I do begin to write,
> sometimes there are too many spaces at the front.
> Steps to reproduce:
> 1. Make a headi
When I start a new heading and don't add text yet but click M-right/M-left,
new spaces are tacked to the end so that when I do begin to write,
sometimes there are too many spaces at the front.
I tracked this down to org-do-demote/promote, since calling org-promote and
org-demote does not a