Wes Hardaker writes:
> FYI, the emacs package you're looking for with similar functionality is
> "rebox2" ( http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/rebox2 )
I knew - or at least expected - that there must be something like
that. Thanks for the link.
> On Thu, 6 Oct 2011 11:38:26 +0200, Karl Voit said:
KV> yasnippet is superior to org-capture and it is not :-)
Well summarized :-). The right tool for the right job definitely
matters here.
>> [how do you produce this nice insertions in your email?]
KV> As an Emacs user, you might not be
Karl Voit writes:
> yasnippet is superior to org-capture and it is not :-)
So considering both and choosing the most suited for the problem might
be a good idea.
> As an Emacs user, you might not be delighted with my answer: I am
> using mutt[3] as MUA[4]. There I can choose my editor freely.
* Thorsten wrote:
> Karl Voit writes:
>> Without describing further attempts, I ended up with following
>> yasnippet[2] template for a new contact:
> Do you think that yasnippet is superior to org-capture or is it just a
> casuality that you prefered it to org-capture?
Oh, first I started wi
Karl Voit writes:
>> One further org-contacts related question: there is a predefined
>> property ADDRESS, without any inner structure. Am I supposed to write my own
>> org-capture template for that property? How would that look like - just
>> one single string? If I want something more structure
* Thorsten wrote:
> I have a org-contacts file with a few contacts with EMAIL property,
> taken from gnus using org-capture as described in the org-contacts
> manual. The contacts are tagged with some tags.
> PS
> One further org-contacts related question: there is a predefined
> proper