Mark Edgington writes:
> Rasmus> writes:
>> It was fixed a while ago in master. Are you using 8.2?
> Oh, I thought I was using something more recent, since the version was named
> "8.3beta", but apparently that's old. Thanks!
8.3beta is the name used for master. If your versio
Rasmus> writes:
> It was fixed a while ago in master. Are you using 8.2?
Oh, I thought I was using something more recent, since the version was named
"8.3beta", but apparently that's old. Thanks!
A slight digression: I noticed, when cloning the git repo, that the current
repo size
User-Agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/25.0.50 (gnu/linux)
Cancel-Lock: sha1:0fc8KGlZBY/hiuAUPyLuqJkSoEw=
Mark Edgington writes:
> Let me know if there's a workaround for this (apart from just "don't
> narrow the buffer"). Thanks!
It was fixed a while ago in master. Are you using
I've noticed a bug in org-mode's LaTeX exporting of footnotes when a
buffer is narrowed to a particular section. To reproduce, try to
export the following org-file to a LaTeX document, and inspect the
resulting LaTeX code -- it will have stripped the math environment off
of "\tau_s":
* Test Sect