Ah! That was it! I got org-odt installed.
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 1:15 PM, Jambunathan K wrote:
> Julian Burgos writes:
>> Hi
>> I don´t have the M-x list-packages option. When I do M-x
>> package-list-packages I get a list of packages, but org-odt is not
>> there. Not sure what is the p
Julian Burgos writes:
> Hi
> I don´t have the M-x list-packages option. When I do M-x
> package-list-packages I get a list of packages, but org-odt is not
> there. Not sure what is the problem. I´m using emacs 23.3.1 in
> windows xp.
I am assuming that you are using a non-Emacs version of p
I don´t have the M-x list-packages option. When I do M-x
package-list-packages I get a list of packages, but org-odt is not
there. Not sure what is the problem. I´m using emacs 23.3.1 in
windows xp.
In the meanwhile, could you explain me how to install org-odt "by
hand", using the conventio
Julian Burgos writes:
> Apologies for the basic question. I need some help installing the
> OpenDocumentText Exporter using the ELPA (package manager). I´ve
> added the org-odt repository by adding this to my .emacs file:
> (setq package-archives '(("ELPA" . "http://tromey.com/elpa/";)
Apologies for the basic question. I need some help installing the
OpenDocumentText Exporter using the ELPA (package manager). I´ve
added the org-odt repository by adding this to my .emacs file:
(setq package-archives '(("ELPA" . "http://tromey.com/elpa/";)
("gnu" . "http