"Eric Schulte" writes:
> Hi Petro,
> You can use yasnippet to expand keywords into templates (like code
> blocks) with TAB, see the following for instructions on using yasnippet
> with Org-mode [1].
> Alternately you could add the following elisp code to your config, and
> bind the `org-inser
Thanks guys. Exactly what I wanted.
The word template had not came into my mind, thats why my googling was
not sucesseful :(
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 9:04 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:
> Hi Petro,
> You can use yasnippet to expand keywords into templates (like code
> blocks) with TAB, see the follow
Hi Petro,
You can use yasnippet to expand keywords into templates (like code
blocks) with TAB, see the following for instructions on using yasnippet
with Org-mode [1].
Alternately you could add the following elisp code to your config, and
bind the `org-insert-block' function to a comfortable key
Piter_ writes:
> Hi all.
> I have no big knowlege of elisp. But I hope some one already done this.
> I want to make a key binding which would insert a source code template
> like this (I've got tired to type it every time):
> #+source:
> #+begin_src
> #+end_src
Hi all.
I have no big knowlege of elisp. But I hope some one already done this.
I want to make a key binding which would insert a source code template
like this (I've got tired to type it every time):