Nicolas, Bastien,
"Sebastien Vauban" wrote:
>>> ECM file:
>>> #+TITLE: Example of Tasks
>>> #+AUTHOR:Sebastien Vauban
>>> #+LANGUAGE: en
>>> #+INCLUDE: "~/src/org-style/bigblow.setup"
>>> * Marketing
>>> ** STRT Hire PR firm
>> What do
"Sebastien Vauban"
> With the new exporter, I still couldn't find how to use a setup file.
> Neither with:
> - the old `#+SETUPFILE:' directive
Still working here.
> - the new one (?): `#+SETUP_FILE:'
It has been dropped. You can safely forget it.
> - the soon to be uniq
With the new exporter, I still couldn't find how to use a setup file.
Neither with:
- the old `#+SETUPFILE:' directive
- the new one (?): `#+SETUP_FILE:'
- the soon to be unique one (?): `#+INCLUDE:'
Am I missing something?
Best regards,
ECM file:
--8<---cut here