> Try this:
> #+BEGIN_SRC org :exports results :results replace :wrap example
> ,#+STARTUP: align
> ,* COMMENT Local Variables
> ,# Local Variables:
> ,# fill-column: 90
> ,# End:
> and be sure to (require 'ob-org)
> HTH,
That definitely helped. Thanks!
Kaushal Modi
On Tue, 3 May 2016, Kaushal Modi wrote:
I would like to add the Local Variables comment block to my org file (for
documentation purpose) without affecting the actual local variable values
in that buffer.
Here is a minimum working example:
,#+STARTUP: align
,* COMMENT Local
I would like to add the Local Variables comment block to my org file (for
documentation purpose) without affecting the actual local variable values
in that buffer.
Here is a minimum working example:
,#+STARTUP: align
,* COMMENT Local Variables
,# Local Variables:
,# fill-colu