Re: [O] Hope ob-js can support :session feature

2017-12-24 Thread Martin Alsinet
Hello stardiviner, I actually don't mind using absoute paths in my org files, and I think that using something like that header var and expansion is more trouble than it is worth. If I wanted to move the org file to another folder, I would just do a *replace-string* of the old path with the new pa

Re: [O] Hope ob-js can support :session feature

2017-12-23 Thread
I come up with an idea, use babel header argument :var to pass in the absolute path of tangled file. And ob-js will expand and replace that :var variable inside of JavaScript src block. So that you don't need to repeatly manually typing the absolute path of the tangled file. Maybe it only one for "

Re: [O] Hope ob-js can support :session feature

2017-12-22 Thread Martin Alsinet
Hello, I don't have a blog yet, it is in my list of new year's resolutions. I will try to explain it here anyway, maybe it can serve as a draft for a blog post. When you hit *C-c* inside of a javascript source block, *ob-js* takes the js code from the js block and saves it into a temp file (in li

Re: [O] Hope ob-js can support :session feature

2017-12-22 Thread
Can you describe how do you do this in detailed? Like: > but since I am using docker containers to run node, I always mount the current directory as a volume in /app inside the container, so that works out fine. > I also think that this way forces me to separate the code in modular blocks, which is

Re: [O] Hope ob-js can support :session feature

2017-12-22 Thread Martin Alsinet
Hello stardiviner, On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 6:57 AM stardiviner wrote: > > I wish to do JavaScript Literate Programming in Org-mode. > > So the :session header argument is very necessary. > > I do Literate Programming in Javascript with Org-mode, and I have found a workaround using a combination

[O] Hope ob-js can support :session feature

2017-12-22 Thread stardiviner
I know that ob-js "Session evaluation with node.js is not supported" - [X] mozrepl (deprecated):   "mozrepl" need package `moz'. - [X] node.js does not support :session so might consider integrate indium ? I wish to do Jav