Lawrence Bottorff writes:
> That did the trick. Though I'm wondering why the #+name: would cause such
> craziness. . . Also, would anyone know why
> #+begin_src lisp :results output :exports both
> (dotimes (x 20)
> (dotimes (y 20)
> (format t "~3d " (* (1+ x) (1+ y
> (f
On Monday, 19 Nov 2018 at 09:02, Lawrence Bottorff wrote:
> That did the trick.
> Though I'm wondering why the #+name: would cause such craziness.
Probably because org tries to place the result of the src block after
the associated results line if it is a named src block. With no name,
That did the trick. Though I'm wondering why the #+name: would cause such
craziness. . . Also, would anyone know why
#+begin_src lisp :results output :exports both
(dotimes (x 20)
(dotimes (y 20)
(format t "~3d " (* (1+ x) (1+ y
(format t "~%"))
On Sunday, 18 Nov 2018 at 23:55, Lawrence Bottorff wrote:
> Try this at home:
> Am I missing something?
I don't have lisp installed (or at least Emacs doesn't know which lisp
to use) so I cannot try what you have actually written. However, why do
you have #+name: lines with no actual name
Try this at home:
#+begin_src lisp :results output :exports both
(dotimes (i 4)
(format t "~3d " i))
: 0 1 2 3
#+begin_src lisp :exports both
(defun multabl ()
(dotimes (x 20)
(dotimes (y 20)
(format t "~3d " (* (1+ x) (1+ y