Interesting idea. Thanks for the tip!
On 13/12/17 21:43, Rasmus wrote:
> You could use the various R libraries and convert it to an Org table via
> ob-R.el.
> #+begin_src R :colnames yes
> library(quantmod)
> x = getSymbols("YHOO",src="google", auto.assign=FALSE)
> x[sprintf("%s/", Sys.Da
You could use the various R libraries and convert it to an Org table via
#+begin_src R :colnames yes
x = getSymbols("YHOO",src="google", auto.assign=FALSE)
x[sprintf("%s/", Sys.Date()-7)]
Summon the Mothership!
Is there any code out there to pull data from stock markets (using for
example Google/Yahoo Finance) into an org-mode table?
Kind regards,
Paulo Matos