Toni Cebrián writes:
> Shame on me for my diagonal reading of the manual ;)
> Thanks
> On 07/03/12 10:34, François Allisson wrote:
>> Hello Toni,
>>> When I type M-x org-agenda-list with this file
>> (...)
>>> I get this agenda view:
>> (...)
>>> That displays nothing. Am I doing some
Shame on me for my diagonal reading of the manual ;)
On 07/03/12 10:34, François Allisson wrote:
Hello Toni,
When I type M-x org-agenda-list with this file
I get this agenda view:
That displays nothing. Am I doing something wrong? Why the TODO task is not
Hello Toni,
> When I type M-x org-agenda-list with this file
> I get this agenda view:
> That displays nothing. Am I doing something wrong? Why the TODO task is not
> displayed?
There is nothing wrong with your file. It is just that it must be
added to the org-agenda-files variabl
I'm having a problem with the agenda view that I'm not able to solve.
Even if I starts emacs with an empty configuration file
emacs -q -l empty_emacs_file
When I type M-x org-agenda-list with this file
* Tasks
** TODO Hello darling
SCHEDULED: <2012-03-07 Wed>
I get this agenda