Hi Bastien
I actually wrote an ant script that controls the off-line publishing.
It's fairly simple, assuming ELPA packages installed in ~/.emacs.d/elpa
Another important thing to note is that font-lock-mode is not enabled by default
in --batch mode. So I ended up writing an extra .el file that
Bastien writes:
> Dmitri Makarov writes:
>> It should be easy to include such a command in a makefile or build.xml and
>> automatically locate the latest installation of necessary packages rather
>> than explicitly specifying the path.
That's what BTEST_POST is there for in the build system, you
Hi Dmitri,
Dmitri Makarov writes:
> If anyone interested, it's easy to explicitly load the required ELPA
> packages in batch mode. For example, the following command loads htmlize
> for publishing org files in batch mode
> emacs --batch -l ~/.emacs.d/init.el --eval "(progn (add-to-list 'load-
If anyone interested, it's easy to explicitly load the required ELPA packages
in batch mode. For example, the following command loads htmlize for publishing
org files in batch mode
emacs --batch -l ~/.emacs.d/init.el --eval "(progn (add-to-list 'load-path
Hi all,
I'm having a problem with offline exports.
If I run emacs in --batch mode like this
emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs.d/init.el -eval '(org-publish-all)'
it doesn't seem to load the packages installed by the ELPA package manager.
In particular it doesn't load htmlize package and also loads the bu