Hi Nicolas,
thanks for your replies. I can see that for org syntax stability and to
prevent parsing hassle using a variety of characters for emphasis is not
desireable. On the other hand, org-emphasis-alist had several advantages that
seem not possible with your suggestions.
When writing, I
Completing myself,
> On the other hand, you may be able to parse custom markup with the help
> of a filter:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (defun my-special-markup (text backend info)
> (when (and (org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
> (string-match "\\([ ('\"{]\\|^\\)\\(
Gregor Kappler writes:
> I am currently migrating my system and contribute my first stop:
> custom emphasis characters that I use extensively:
> - "!" is used for exclamations,
> - "?" for questions, and
> - "#" for in-text comments that I do not want exported.
Emphasis characters are no
Gregor Kappler writes:
> Cudos for all the work that has been done on migrating to the new
> exporter. I so welcome that exporting now is approaching a clean
> design!
Let me join my voice to the chorus! Munch congratulations, and thanks!
There is an impressive amount of work in all this, it h
Cudos for all the work that has been done on migrating to the new
exporter. I so welcome that exporting now is approaching a clean
I am currently migrating my system and contribute my first stop:
custom emphasis characters that I use extensively:
- "!" is used for exclamations,
- "?" for