Hi Bastien,
That would be great!
Rocky Zhang
>Hi Rocky,
>163(rockyzhz) writes:
>> This result is natural and good in English, but in Chinese
>> these is NOT any space among words typically, the extra space
>> converted from line-break would seem weird and somewhat ugl
Hi Rocky,
163(rockyzhz) writes:
> As the title, HTML export would generate a extra space with the option:
> #+OPTIONS: \n:nil
> at the beginning of the org file.
I don't understand what the problem exactly is.
Can you give an example of an .org file and its .html export
and point at what is w
Hi all,
As the title, HTML export would generate a extra space with the option:
#+OPTIONS: \n:nil
at the beginning of the org file.
A extra space seems not important as in English, but somewhat ugly in Chinese.
So, could anyone give me some advices
Rocky Zhang