u are in agenda daily, week, month, year or Timeline
Thanks for a great tool and your high level of support,
Happy Thanksgiving!
-- Original Message --
From: Carsten Dominik
To: tan@juno.com
Cc: be...@norang.ca, emacs-orgmode@gnu.org
Subject: Re: [Orgmode]
Thanks. I didn't realise that Org's Agenda mode/Timeline view has an "l" key
for log mode. That shows all the items, closed and scheduled - exactly what I
was looking for.
The Info page is somewhat sparse on this, but seeing how it works, it makes
sense now.
-- Original Message ---
Q: How to search dates within current week
[ I am posting this according to //gmane.org/post.php instructions.
I hope this works. ]
I am a beginner in using Orgmode.
I would like to search for CLOSED items within the current week.
The closest posting was in 2007 entitled "search for dates as ta
Q: How to search dates within current week
[ I am posting this according to //gmane.org/post.php instructions.
I hope this works. ]
I am a beginner in using Orgmode.
I would like to search for CLOSED items within the current week.
The closest posting was in 2007 entitled "search for dates as ta
I hope this is the right place to send this query and get a
The org tutorials page lists some screencasts.
2 screencasts do not seem to load at all. They are
1) screencast for presenting a few features of plain lists
: http://lumiere.ens.fr/~guerry/org-playing-with-lists-scr