> I just updated the require statements in epresent.el.
> https://github.com/eschulte/epresent/blob/master/epresent.el
> I'm not sure what epresent-org.el is.
For your information, Sacha Chua on her blog has given a short description
of EPresent accessible on the following link
If the intention is to use epresent with org file, is it necessary to put
the following instructions in epresent.el and epresent-org.el?
(require 'ox)
(require 'ox-latex)
I suppose that when a org file is loaded, this library and corresponding are
already loaded, so these intructions may be
This post to report a problem about epresent and new version of org mode.
I have just tried to update from releas 7.9.2 to 8.0.3 and I encountered
several problems that are partially solved by the description of the
changes due to the actual export and new name conventions.
>From time to ti
> This indicates that .replace('|',':') didn't work out as expected and
> org-protocol received
> org-protocol://store-link://file%3A%2F%2F%2FC%7C%2FTemp%2Ffile.pdf
> ^^^
> Maybe this could do the trick:
> ,
> | app.addMenuItem({cName:"or
I try to use a function proposed with org-protocol as explained in this link.
I would like to launch a pdf file in Acrobat Reader and to use org-store-
link.js to capture the full path of the document in an org file.I try to use
I use the following testtj3.org file that I export to taskjuggler 3.0 :
|#+TITLE: testtj3.org
|#+PROPERTY: Effort_ALL 2d 5d 10d 20d 30d 35d 50d
John Hendy gmail.com> writes:
> On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 6:25 AM, d.tchin voila.fr> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Rainer M Krug gmail.com> writes:
> Even so, see my most recent thread
> (http://www.mail-archive.com/emacs-orgmode gnu.org/msg51502.html).
> Even if that patch works, it's not a
Rainer M Krug gmail.com> writes:
> Hi
> I would like to use the export to taskjuggler, but somehow I don't get
> it working - might be me or the fact that I have taskjuggler 3.1.0.
> I am trying the example on
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-taskjuggler.html
Eric S Fraga ucl.ac.uk> writes:
> Hello,
> one of the recent updates
> commit d6e40fb3472761ed51795f54491b969976167116
> to org has caused a problem with the latest emacs snapshot (version from
> 5 January I believe). Specifically, the alias for
> list-diary-entries-hook would appe
Eric Schulte gmx.com> writes:
> This same issue was raised recently on the mailing list and (I believe)
> a patch has been pushed to the git repository. Would you mind checking
> if the problem persists in the git head?
I download org-latest.zip archive and test it. This version solves this
I would like to report a problem of evalation when org-babel is used with
emacs 22.3 on windows and recent org-mode 7.8.03.
I use the following code :
#+begin_src sh :results silent
It breaks when a header is used.
When evaluated with C-c C-c, the following message appears :
Hi all,
This post just to warn that org-velocity is not loaded with Emacs 22.3.1.
I try to load org-velocity but I have the following message :
error: Unknown keyword :safe
I use GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt6.1.7601) and Org-mode version 7.7.
I had the possibility to try with emacs 23.3 with
Eventually I prefer to use the following instruction in the
buffer where I will use calc with babel.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent
(require 'ob-calc)
(defvar calc-command-flags nil)
Thank you for your help.
Eric Schulte gmail.com> writes:
> Hi d.tchin,
Hi Eric
> This problem is caused because (as you point out) the calc-command-flags
> variable is not defined. In my Emacs version calc-command-flags is
> provided by (require 'calc) which is part of Babel's calc support, this
> variable must
I tried to use calc with babel but it doesn't work as expected.
I use the following block with simple instruction :
#+begin_src calc
I didn't get back any results.
I launch calc and it seems to be called as I have following output
--- Emacs Calculator Mode ---
1: 6
Eric Schulte gmail.com> writes:
I used new version of org-collector as you suggested. It works well.
Thank you.
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
Christian Moe christianmoe.com> writes:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use an Org document as the database for a textbook
> analysis and Org-collector.el to output reports.
> With org-use-property-inheritance set to `t', and working in sparse
> trees, I fail to get inherited properties to show
Just to follow previous discussion about having city.
Julien Danjou add a new entry in org-google-weather-format
that allows to get City for which the weather is asked for.
It is possible to customize this variable.
The default format is "%i %c, %l-%h %s" .
If you can add %C for city : "%C
I see that there is org-export-icalendar-* functions.
Is there a function that allows to export to *.vcs file
which are recognized by Palm Os ?
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
> Forgive me... not sure I'm tracking completely.
> - When you say "It doesn't work under Windows" are you referring to the org-
plot method?
> - But org-babel does work if you use "session none"
> --- Sorry, what is "session none"? I've not heard of that before.
Don't be sorry, I w
Thank you for this document. It is really of great help.
I would like to do one remark.
I tried to make gnuplot work on Windows system but I never
really manageg to make it work in interactive way. I first
started to use org-plot. It doesn't work under Windows.
In fact it seems related t
I didn't use the level I would like to use for answering.
As I reply to Juan, I like your suggestion of using CATEGORY.
Thank you for your help.
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list.
Juan computer.org> writes:
> A simple way is to use the category declaration:
> #+CATEGORY: Paris
> %%(org-google-weather "Paris" "FR")
> #+CATEGORY: Caen
> %%(org-google-weather "Caen" "FR")
> #+CATEGORY: Agenda
> ... other stuff
> Regards,
> .j.
Thank you for your answer.
In fact
Julien Danjou danjou.info> writes:
> Hi folks,
> If anybody is interested, I've wrote an small extension to put some
> weather forecasts in the agenda.
> It can be found here[1]. I've blogged about it yesterday, so if you're
> curious you can read the entry[2].
> Happy hacking,
> [
I try to evaluate function already defined in library-of-babel.
But whatever the function I try to evaluate I have the following
error output get from buffer *Messages* :
setf: Wrong type argument: consp, nil
For example I use the following :
#+tblname: R-plot-example-data
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 |
Dan Davison stats.ox.ac.uk> writes:
> Hi Juan and d.tchin,
> One thing I'd like to ask for advice about is the behaviour of tabular
> data structures containing strings. For example
> #+begin_src octave
> ans = [['a','b'];['c','d']]
> #+end_src
> #+results:
> : acbd
> I don't know
Sorry, please forget the last question.
I have just seen a thread related to gnuplot that answers
to this question.
Below a link to this thread :
Emacs-orgmode mailing
Before asking my question, I would like to give few remarks
about use of gnuplot with org-babel and the reason why I
asked this question.
I tried to use it with org-plot but I was not really satisfied
as it didn't work clearly well with emacs installed on MS Windows.
Below a thread about th
Dan Davison stats.ox.ac.uk> writes:
> Eric S Fraga ucl.ac.uk> writes:
> > On Fri, 23 Jul 2010 16:59:43 + (UTC), d.tchin voila.fr>
> >>
> >> With :results value
> >>
> >> --8<---cut here---start->8---
> >> #+tblname: test
> >> | 1 |
Eric S Fraga ucl.ac.uk> writes:
> I don't think you are missing anything obvious as for the ":results
> value" case, I get the same thing. In fact, for ":results output", I
> don't actually get any output! I'm not sure why. I wonder if there
> is a dependence on the version of Octave? I'm
I use babel to use with octave language. I use it and
define a session so as to have interaction with
octave process.
It is great to have interaction with octave and
check the action of the code easily.
I have problem to get output back in org mode file.
I try the following code :
Eric Schulte gmail.com> writes:
> Hi,
> The following minimal patch to org-collector.el should remove tags from
> the ITEM text, which will also remove the many "\n" characters. Please
> let me know if this works for you.
> Thanks -- Eric
> Attachment (org-collector-w-o-tags.patch
> Hi
> Subsidiary question : is it possible not to display the tag in propview
> ang ITEM entry.
Sorry. For this question, what I want is to get ITEM entry without the
tag in propview display.
> GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2008-09-06 on SOFT-MJASON
> Org
I try to use org-collector. Since I have changed org-mode to release 7.01
there is a modification in the display of propview.
Below an example :
* View
#+BEGIN: propview :cols (ITEM CATEGORY) :scope tree :match "Inside1"
| "ITEM"
> Julien Danjou danjou.info> writes:
> >
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I've recently wrote a Google Maps extension for Emacs[1].
> >
> > Therefore, I've extended org-mode to display a Google Maps' map for an
> > event location. The extension, which is very simple, is available
> > here
Julien Danjou danjou.info> writes:
> Hi there,
> I've recently wrote a Google Maps extension for Emacs[1].
> Therefore, I've extended org-mode to display a Google Maps' map for an
> event location. The extension, which is very simple, is available
> here[2] and I wanted you to know about
Dan Davison stats.ox.ac.uk> writes:
> The org-babel default is to invoke R as an external shell command, and I
> think this is what is causing the problem. It requires that the emacs
> function shell-command can use the string "R" to invoke an R process,
> i.e. the R installation and the shell pat
I need help to be able to use org-babel functionality.
I use emacs 22.3.1 in windows XP and org-mode 6.34.
I have the following instructions in .emacs
(require 'org-install)
(require 'org-plot)
(require 'org-babel-init)
(require 'org-babel-R) ;; requires R and ess-mode
(require 'org-b
Carsten Dominik gmail.com> writes:
> Hi,
> On Dec 2, 2009, at 2:51 PM, d.tchin voila.fr wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I use org-export-latex to create latex powerdot
> > file. I make adaptation of template defined for
> > beamer class and it works quite well.
> >
> > I have a problem I wo
I use org-export-latex to create latex powerdot
file. I make adaptation of template defined for
beamer class and it works quite well.
I have a problem I would like to submit :
By default in each section or slide (frame) environment,
there is a label added by default. This instruction
Thank you for your help.
1°) I try to use comint buffer and to launch few commands. I don't
really understand the way comint works but it seems that each
time that I use a command, there is a freeze, and to access
back to the emacs buffer I have to use \C-g several times.
I would like to use gnuplot with org-mode tabular function.But I
haven't managed to use it until now.
I would like to submit to you few remarks I have done.
I use GNU Emacs 22.2.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) on Microsoft Windows XP OS.
I have installed gnuplot and I can use it with gnuplot-mode.
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