them ever share identical
I did not refer to including text in export, I'm more interested in the
editing of the partial order.
Samium Gromoff
"Actually I made up the term 'object-oriented', and I can tell you I
did not have C++ in mind." - Alan
place it is referenced, and to maintain the equivalence
across the set of these "treeification points" of the partial order.
Samium Gromoff
"Actually I made up the term 'object-oriented', and I can tell you I
did not have C++ in mind." -
- fooish barry
Alternatively, as a more predictable, but also less automated way:
#+RADIO_EQUIV "foo bar" "fooish bar" "foo barry" "fooish barry"
I feel that this might make org-generated dictionaries much more useful.
Oh, and by the way --
class="target">foo bar
I.e. it is totally wrecked and the anchors referring to 'foo bar' are
retargetted at some seemingly random section.
Orgmode version is 6.33f/debian, Emacs is GNU Emacs 23.1.1.
Samium Gromoff