Hello Eric.
I produced a list of arguments in the support of this change, which
can be reviewed here:
Please let me know if your question still stands after taking those
concerns into account.
* lisp/ob-core.el (org-babel-expand-noweb-references): Change the the
behavior of noweb expansion by replacing the prefix duplication with
whitespace. Fix handling of multiple noweb references on the same
line by using temporary buffer to replace noweb references in place
instead of collec
Hello, Charles.
Thank you for your reply.
I appreciate your suggestion, however the example which I used is not a
limiting factor which I seek help in overcoming. Instead I'm trying to
address a potential design flaw.
You make a valid point that change of this nature will inevitably break
I would like to propose a change to the behavior of noweb expansion in
relation to prefix handling. Current behavior intends to insert the text
preceding noweb reference before every successive line of referenced
For instance the expansion of following source block:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :
Sorry, the code in last source block in my attachment got a little bit
messed up. I corrected it in this attachment.
On 21 March 2014 12:23, Bastien wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> thanks for the patch.
> Pontus Michael writes:
> > Primary reason for this change is to
le which will let you see examples of both correct and
incorrect behavior.
On 21 March 2014 12:23, Bastien wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> thanks for the patch.
> Pontus Michael writes:
> > Primary reason for this change is to fix the problem which I describe
I make a change to function which copies contents of source code
block to temporary buffer, applies fontification through the means of
relevant major mode and transcribes text-properties back to org-buffer
so that they are applied on top of code in affected source code block.
Primary reason for th