On 14/12/17 17:57, Michael Welle wrote:
> it is from org-id.
Can't seem to find org-id on melpa or org mode contrib page.
can you please point me to where i can find it?
Paulo Matos
On 14/12/17 22:45, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Hello,
> Paulo Matos writes:
>> My TODO looks like:
>> * TODO add support for %lo and %hi operands in offsets
>> I create the link and the link has the name of the todo headline.
>> When
since I don't want a new heading, I want to
follow the link to the existing heading.
Paulo Matos
On 14/12/17 14:31, Michael Welle wrote:
> Hello,
> Paulo Matos writes:
>> Hi,
>> I have a TODO item that got stuck due to some unforseen circumstances.
>> Another TODO item is needed as a workaround therefore I have something like:
This is required because todo item REF was stuck. If unstuck, we can
remove this implementation.
How can I REF the first TODO item in the second?
Paulo Matos
, auto.assign=FALSE)
> x[sprintf("%s/", Sys.Date()-7)]
> #+end_src
> Rasmus
Paulo Matos
Is there any code out there to pull data from stock markets (using for
example Google/Yahoo Finance) into an org-mode table?
Kind regards,
Paulo Matos