Thanks for your help. I had failed to include (package-initialize) in my
.emacs which was why 8.0.4 was not working.
Problem solved!
On 16 July 2013 17:06, Bastien wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Paul Whipp writes:
> > If I use the package installer to upgrade org I get version 8.0
I followed the instructions and I did that.
Then I started a new session with it installed which is when I got the bug.
On 15 July 2013 16:43, Bastien wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Paul Whipp writes:
> > If I use the package installer to upgrade org I get version 8.0.4 but
I'm using emacs 24.2.1 in Ubuntu 13.04.
In the supplied org-mode version 7.8.11, I cannot export. When I attempt to
export (c-e c-a) I get: "Can't find library org".
If I use the package installer to upgrade org I get version 8.0.4 but it
then fails to complete my initialisation with: "Symbol's f
I use org-mode all the time and find it invaluable. I recently upgraded my
ubuntu environment to 13.04 and emacs 24.2.1 came with it. org-mode was
working fine within it out of the box except it failed with "Symbol's
function definition is void: org-defvaralias" when I restarted the machine
this mo
The datetree functionality for org-mode capture is very appealing but
google has let me down trying to get it working.
I set it up using as follows:
template entry:
("e" "Event" entry (file+datetree "~/notes/")
"* %^{Title} %?
he margins. --JamesWright
> (defvar visual-wrap-column nil)
> (defun set-visual-wrap-column (new-wrap-column &optional buffer)
> etc.
> ** To use the original behavior put the following in your .emacs:
> (setq line-move-visual nil)
robably help in my
elisp or python code too because it would make it easy to distinguish
wrapped and new lines.
I've tried google but I can't see any way to do this. Can anyone suggest
where I should look for a solution?
Paul Whipp
Office: 07 3103 2894
Mobile: 0410 545 357
Thanks for the help getting there.
Paul Whipp
Office: 07 3103 2894
Mobile: 0410 545 357
Do more business with your website! <>
Joomla, Python, PHP and MySQL web application
gp, org-capture
What am I doing wrong?
Feel free to point me at the right manual or guide. From the notes it
looked like this feature might once have been built in.
Paul Whipp
Office: 07 3103 2894
Mobile: 0410 545 357
Do more business with your website!
Joomla, Python