Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> It should, if you have markdown-mode installed.
> Try
> #+begin_src markdown :tangle yes
> ,* Item 1
> ,* Item 2
> - Item 2a
> + Item 2a1
> - Item 2b
> ,* Item 3
> #+end_src
Affirmative, after installing elpa-markdown-mode (example in Linux Debian's
Dear list,
based on previous experience to fence small snippets of code in org-mode e.g.,
for Fortran in a pattern like
* example Fortran (not FORTRAN 77)
#+begin_src f90 :tangle echo.f90
program test
implicit none
write (*, '(A)') "Fortran"
end program test
I see
According to the digest of [2022-10-16 Sun], orgcard.txt and orgcard.pdf are
thankfully again available online at
When comparing with an old print of the .pdf (about version 7.8.11 by 2012), I
noticed the current .pdf explicitly stat
Dear maintainers,
both the link to the English reference card as .pdf as well as the
plain ASCII version mentioned on https://orgmode.org/worg/ are
inaccessible. (Not affected are the English .html and French (.tex,
.pdf)). At present, the last blue link to access the document
archive.org points