Hi all.
How do I make sure that latex package "listings" is used and how do I use it
to show the content of a python-file?
I want to include some python code, but it's all ugly when outputtet to PDF
Is there a better way to show source code in org? At the moment I'm
using: #+INCLUDE: "matrix-cit
Hi all.
I can't export to LaTeX/PDF. I get this error:
! Package inputenc Error: Keyboard character used is undefined
(inputenc) in inputencoding `utf8'.
It fails when it parses non-english characters. I can recall that
LaTeX needs to know what encoding/language to read, but how do
. Arp Sørensen
Programmer / BOFH
Fuglebakken 2, Stevnstrup
8870 Langå
F: 86432686
M: 40592903
Vores: http://arpsorensen.dk
Byens portal: http://stevnstrup.dk
"If you want to enter my network while I'm out, you can find my SSH-key
under my mouse mat" - Michael Bernhard Arp Sør
Hi there.
I'm new into orgmode. I've looked through the official documentation, but I
can't find the solution to my problems.
Problem 1:
I use many non-english characters in my org-files and when I export them, I
get some weird letters instead of the ones I wrote in the org-file.
Is there a way