Hi list,
I'm trying to use org-sbe to execute another source block but I cannot
figure out how to provide required parameters. My source block takes one
parameter in form of list of lists. When I compose the list in place like
(org-sbe testblock (params (list (list \"somevar\" \"somevalue\")
Hi list,
I'm struggling with the following example and failing get it to work:
#+begin_src bash :results value code :noweb yes
If the parameters are given as values such as path1="/foo/bar", the
function works as expected, from
Hi list,
Is there a way to use variables defined as :var: in :PROPERTIES: drawer in
function call? Such as
** Some heading
:var: par1="smth"
#+call: some-function(parameter=par1)
Better yet, is there a way to have the function itself to figure out which
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Bastien wrote:
> Hi Kalev,
> Kalev Takkis writes:
> > Is it possible to take a note in org-capture and to specify one or
> > several files to put the message into only after the note is written?
> You can refile a note from t
Hi all,
Is it possible to take a note in org-capture and to specify one or several
files to put the message into only after the note is written? The workflow
I have in mind is first pressing C-c c to take a note; selecting the type
of note I'd like to take; typing the message, pasting a link etc.,