Dear all,
I would like to set a hook that excludes events older than 2 months from
exporting using org-icalendar-combine-agenda-files.
I do not know enough lisp for that, thanks for any help ,
Dear all,
Org-caldav exports org-entries to a caldav server, but without the org-mode
tags. How could we modify org-caldav to export also the tags?
Use case/usefulness:
using org-caldav, we can see org entries into e.g. an owncloud calendar
/smartphone, great! However, without the org-mode headin
Le jeudi 19 mars 2009, Peter Jones a écrit :
> Jota Pin writes:
> > I tried to figure out how to avoid having archived subtrees to contribute
> > to the sum of times showed with "Display Times" c-c c-x c-d.
> I've been wondering something along the same lines
Dear all,
I tried to figure out how to avoid having archived subtrees to contribute to
the sum of times showed with "Display Times" c-c c-x c-d.
I could not find an option for that, is-it implemented?
Emacs-orgmode mailing list
Dear all,
I would like to use org-mode with kontact. It seems that kontact is
interpreting the DTEND property as not-inclusive when no time is given (only
date), while org-mode agenda interprets DTEND as inclusive.
Any idea to fix this?
I am not a list programmer, but I saw that there is a IN
Dear all,
I am using emacs 21.2.1 under cygwin. org.el version 4.59. When I export to
ical format, all entries get the same "category" in the exported file: the one
corresponding to the last #+CATEGORY in the .org file.
I tried to upgrade to org.el 4.73 to see if it is solved, but I get a symbo