t; :-)
> I like it, and I really do like the list of reasons
> we have (in hindsight) for choosing it...
> http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.php#unicorn
Interesting. It always reminded me of the pink unicorn:
ow, though
I do have email, for example, as a daily repeating scheduled TODO.
This way I can easily track it from the agenda view.
J Aaron Farr jadetower.com[US] +1 724-964-4515
馮傑仁 cubiclemuses.com [HK] +852 8123-7905
sees some particular
flaw to this approach. I thought about creating a daily repeating event
for things like email, but then the clock section would eventually get
huge, right?
J Aaron Farr jadetower.com[US] +1 724-964-4515
馮傑仁 cubicl